F6781-024-01 e-file error

If Form 6781, Line 4c 'Form1099BAdjustmentsAmt' has a non-zero value, then "Explanation of Form 1099-B Adjustments Schedule" [ExplanationOfForm1099BAdjustmentsSchedule] must be attached to line 4c.
You'll get this error message if you don't include a 1099-B adjustment statement with the return.


  1. If you need to file Form 6781 with adjustments, then you need to enter an explanation.
  2. Go to the 6781 screen in the Income folder.
  3. Open the
    Section 1256 contracts marked to market
    statement field.
  4. Complete the
    Explanation 1099-B Adjust
  5. Recreate and retransmit the return.


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