F8962-048 e-file error

If Form 8962, Part 4 "Shared Policy Allocation", 'PolicyNum' has a value, then at least one of the following must have a value: 'MonthlyPremiumPct' or 'MonthlyPremiumSLCSPPct' or 'MonthlyAdvancedPTCPct'. (value, rule F8962-048)
You'll get this error message when information is missing in the
Shared Policy Allocation
statement on the PTC screen in the Health Care folder.


  1. Go to the PTC screen in the Health Care folder.
  2. If the policy isn't shared, remove all information from the
    Shared Policy Allocation
  3. If the policy is shared, make sure to complete the Premium Percent, SLCSP Percent, or Advance Payment Percent columns.
  4. Recreate and retransmit the return.
You can complete Form 8962, Part 4, Shared Policy Allocation, in this statement, or by using the Allocation column on the 1095A screen. Don't enter the same policy in both locations.
The allocation percent for the monthly premium, second lowest cost silver plan (SLCSP), and monthly advance payment must be the same for all columns if entered. You can enter an allocation in 1 column and leave another column blank if no allocation applies.
Review the Form 8962 instructions for details on situations that need allocation.


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