IND-073 e-file error

If 'OverpaidAmt' is greater than 'EsPenaltyAmt', then the sum of 'RefundAmt', 'AppliedToEsTaxAmt', and 'EsPenaltyAmt' must be equal to 'OverpaidAmt'. (rule IND-073)
You'll get this error when the overpayment is greater than the estimated penalty amount, and the overpayment doesn't equal the sum of the refund, the amount applied to next year's estimates, and the estimated penalty.


Paper file the return. You can also try suppressing penalties. If you suppress penalties, the IRS will send the taxpayer a bill for the penalty amount.
  1. Go to the
    screen, in the
  2. In
    Suppress penalties on Form 1040
    , mark the following checkboxes as needed:
    • Late filing interest (Int)
    • Failure to pay (FTP)
    • Failure to file (FTF)
  3. Re-create and retransmit the return.


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