R0000-905-01 e-file error

Database Validation Error: /Return/ReturnHeader/OriginatorGrp/EFIN: Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN) in the Return Header must be listed in the e-File database and in accepted status. (value ######, rule R0000-905-01)
You can get this error when your EFIN isn't approved in the IRS database.


  1. Look at the value, located inside the parenthesis, in the rejection message. This is the EFIN included with the e-file. Is it correct?
  2. If the EFIN is right, contact the IRS at 866-255-0654 to find out the status of your EFIN.
  3. If the EFIN is wrong, you need to correct it in UltraTax CS.
    1. Go to Setup > Office Configuration > E-Filing tab. If the
      All returns in this office will file using EFIN
      option is marked, your EFIN is here.
    2. Otherwise, the EFIN is entered for each preparer under Setup > Office Configuration > Preparers tab. Edit the preparer to see the EFIN. If the EFIN is per-preparer, you need to look at the EFIN for the preparer assigned to this return. You can see the assigned preparer in File > Client Properties.
    3. If you have a multi-office setup with multiple EFINs, make sure you're using the right one.
    4. If the correct EFIN hasn't been approved by Thomson Reuters for e-filing, you'll need to submit it to us for approval before you can e-file.


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