S1-F1040-026 e-file error

If Schedule 1 (Form 1040), 'TotalAlimonyPaidAmt' has a non-zero value, then there must be at least one 'RecipientSSN' in 'AlimonyAmountGrp'. (rule S1-F1040-026)
You'll get this error if you enter an amount on Form 1040 for Alimony paid and don't enter the recipient's Social Security number (SSN).


  1. Go to the OtherAdj screen in the 1040 Adjustments folder.
  2. Enter the SSN for the recipient In the
    Alimony paid
  3. Recreate and retransmit the return.
  4. If the recipient doesn't have an SSN, you'll need to file the return on paper.


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