S2-F1040-147 e-file error

The e-File database indicates a First Time Homebuyer Installment Payment is due for the Primary SSN. Include amount on Schedule 2 (Form 1040), 'FirstTimeHmByrRepaymentAmt' and attach Form 5405 if required.
You'll get this error message if the IRS determines that the taxpayer on this return still needs to repay first-time homebuyer amounts.


  1. Use the First-Time Homebuyer Credit Account Look-up tool to view the balance of the taxpayer's First-Time Homebuyer Credit.
  2. Go to the Taxes folder.
  3. Select the 5405 screen.
  4. Complete the 5405 screen. To determine what to enter, use the information from the account lookup tool, 5405 screen help, and the Form 5405 instructions.
    • Make sure to enter
      in the
      Owner of the home in which the first-time buyer credit was taken
    • If the home is no longer in the taxpayer's possession, fill out the
      Reason for disposition or change of main home
      and the
      Date sold or no longer used as principle residence
      fields. This indicates that no further repayment is needed.
  5. Re-create and retransmit the e-file.


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