S3-F1040-144 e-file error

There's an amount on Schedule 3, line 11 for excess Social Security and tier 1 RRTA tax withheld, but there is only one W-2 included in the e-file for the employee.


  1. Go to the W2 screen in the
  2. If there's only 1 W2 for the employee with excess tax withheld, see IRS Topic No. 608 Excess Social Security and RRTA Tax Withheld.
  3. If there are 2 W-2s:
    1. Make sure the Social Security number matches on both, and matches the taxpayer or spouse's SSN entered on the 1040 screen in the
    2. Check the
      Box 1
      wages. If 1 of the 2 W-2s has 0 entered in Box 1, you'll need to paper file the return. The IRS doesn't allow W-2s with 0 wages to be included in the e-file.


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