SD-F1040-001 e-file error

Schedule D (Form 1040), 'NetSTAndLTCapitalGainOrLossAmt' or 'AllowableLossAmt' must be equal to 'CapitalGainLossAmt' in the return unless Form 8958 is present in the return. (value, rule SD-F1040-001)


Verify there are no overrides within the return (specifically Schedule D and Form 8958). After overrides are deleted, review the return for accuracy, and re-create and resubmit the electronic file.
Verify Schedule D isn't forced to print. To unforce Schedule D to print, select Schedule D in forms view, then go to
, and select
Force Form to Print.
If Schedule D is forced to print, Error code IND-113 will also be displayed.


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