SEIC-F1040-004 e-file error

For each 'ChildBirthYr' on Schedule EIC(Form 1040), that is equal to 'TaxYr' in the Return Header, the corresponding 'MonthsChildLivedWithYouCnt' must be equal to 12 or 'KidnappedChildCd' must have the value "KC". (rule SEIC-F1040-004-04)
Returns with Earned Income Credits (EIC) for dependents need to have at least 12 months during the current tax year. To file returns with these dependents, the return needs to be paper filed.


  1. Go to the 1040 screen, in the
  2. Open the
    Dependent information
    statement on the 1040 screen, in the
  3. If the
    Mos Home
    field is less than
    , and the dependent was born or died in the current tax year; the return needs to be paper filed to claim the EIC.
  4. If the child was born or died in the tax year and in the taxpayer's home for more than half the time the child was alive, change the
    Mos Home
    field to 12.
  5. Recreate and retransmit the return.
Alternatively, to elect to electronically file the return while not reporting this dependent on Schedule EIC, change the
Dep Code
column to
(Children who lived with this client, do not qualify for EIC).


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