SEIC-F1040-509 e-file error

Each 'QualifyingChildSSN' that has a value on Schedule EIC (Form 1040), must not be equal to the Spouse SSN on another accepted return for the same tax year. (value #########, rule SEIC-F1040-509-01)
The value represents the SSN of the person causing the rejection.
The spouse's SSN is equal to another accepted return.


  1. Go to the 1040 screen, in the General folder.
  2. Review the
    field for the spouse.
  3. In the
    Dependent information
    statement, review the SSN entered.
  4. If incorrect, correct it, then recreate and retransmit the return.
  5. If the SSNs are correct, the return will need to be paper filed with Form 8948, since the IRS has already received a return with the spouse's SSN.


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