Total vehicle expenses not carrying to Schedule C

Two typical reasons why vehicle expenses on Schedule C, Line 9 don't match data entry include:
  • Business and total mileage driven aren't entered in the Schedule C Asset tab. Therefore, only parking fees and tolls transfer to Schedule C.
  • Vehicle rent and depreciation are reported elsewhere.

Business and total mileage

The Auto Worksheet in the Auto folder in Forms View calculates the business use percentage for each vehicle. The business use percentage applies to all expenses (except parking fees and tolls) on this worksheet. The business mileage and total miles driven are necessary to calculate the business use percentage.
The business miles and total miles driven are necessary entries on several forms, regardless of the year the vehicle is placed into service, or the method of expenses selected (standard mileage or actual costs.) If the client needs to complete Form 4562 for the vehicle, you need to report mileage on Part V, Section B. If the client doesn't need to complete Form 4562, you need to report mileage on Schedule C, Part IV.

Vehicle rent and depreciation

When you use the actual expense method, vehicle rent and depreciation report on Schedule C, Lines 13 and 20a, respectively. The remaining auto expenses display on Line 9.


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