Freeze estimated tax payment amounts when amending a return after the original due date (1040 US)

To prevent the estimated payments from recalculating with the amended return, follow these steps
to making any changes to the return:
  1. In the Filings folder, open the Amend screen.
  2. Enter
    in the
    Transfer original 1040-ES information
    field to auto-fill the original estimate and direct debit amounts.
  3. Enter
    in the
    Do not recalculate estimate tax payments
    field to prevent recalculation of the estimated payments or direct debit amounts based on changes made to the return.
    • The 1040-ES vouchers and estimated tax filing instructions will not print.
    • The estimated tax amounts from the Amend screen,
      1st payment
      4th payment
      fields in the
      Originally calculated
      column proforma to the next year.


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