Pay estimated tax payments for Form 1040-ES via EFW (1040)

To designate estimated tax payments from Form 1040-ES for next year to be automatically debited from a client's bank account on their electronically filed return or extension, do the following:
The IRS allows you to designate one or more estimated tax payments to be withdrawn through an Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) when you electronically file a return or extension.
  1. Open the 1040 client's return.
  2. Open the ELF Screen in the Electronic Filing folder.
  3. Enter
    (Return) or
    (Extension) in the appropriate
    Electronic funds withdrawal for estimated tax
    field for each quarter estimate to be withdrawn.
  4. Open the 1040 Screen in the General folder.
  5. Enter the
    Daytime telephone/ext number
    under Taxpayer Information.
  6. Open the Bank Screen in the General folder.
  7. Enter the
    bank account information in the Direct Deposit/Electronic Funds Withdrawal Information section.
  8. Review and correct all Critical and ELF Critical diagnostic messages. To do so, press CTRL+D.
    • The IRS will withdraw the funds on the designated due dates for the estimated tax payments selected.
    • Designate EFW only for quarters with estimates due (to prevent an ELF Critical diagnostic message and an E-File Error Report error).


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