Form W-7 filing instructions

The filing instructions for Form W-7, Application for Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), includes specific information for the unique filing location when you include Form W-7 with a completed tax return. If you don't need to attach a completed tax return Form W-7 due to meeting 1 of the exceptions, you'll need to add a client-specific paragraph to the filing instructions for that particular exception.
For clients with Delaware, Pennsylvania, Michigan Business Tax, or Ohio Generic City returns, you can't combine the separate taxpayer and spouse transmittal letters during printing even when you mark the
Separate Transmittal Letter, but combine federal and state Filing Instructions
Combine Transmittal Letter and Filing Instructions in letter format
options in
1040 individual
The Federal and State Filing Instructions will print separately for a 1040 Domestic Partnership client since domestic partnerships aren't recognized for federal returns.


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