Enter data for Form 8889, Line 9

Enter employer contributions to a health savings account on the W2 screen, Box 12 with Code W. Data entered here doesn't transfer to Form 8889, line 9.
Follow these steps to enter data for Form 8889, Line 9.
  1. Go to the
    screen in the Health Care folder.
  2. Mark the checkbox for the type of health plan under
    Indicate type of coverage under qualifying high deductible health plan
  3. Enter the total contribution from Box 2 in the
    Total HSA/MSA contributions for YYYY
    The amount for total contributions, Box 2, should include any employer contributions. If it includes only employer contributions, then the Box 2 amount equals the W2, Box 12 amount.
  4. Enter the
    Number of months in qualified high deductible health plan
  5. Enter the
    FMV of HSA, Archer MSA, or MA MSA
    from Box 5.


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