Form 1099-G data entry

To enter information from Form 1099-G, Certain Government Payments, you can either:
  • Use Source Data Entry.
  • Use the following table to find where to enter the information.
Form field
Folder > Screen
Statement column
Box 1 - Unemployment compensation
Income > Income
Unemployment compensation received
Box 2 - State or local income tax refunds, credits, or offsets
Income > Refunds
State/local income tax refunds
Refund Amount
Box 3 - Box 2 amount is for tax year
Income > Refunds
State/local income tax refunds
Box 4 - Federal Income tax withheld
Payments > Est
Other Withholding
Box 5 - RTAA payments
Income > Income
Other Income statement
Fed Cod = 18; Amount
Box 6 - Taxable grants
Income > Income
Other Income statement
Fed Code = 19; Amount
Box 7 - Agriculture payments
Farm > F
Agricultural program payments
Total Agriculture Payments
Farm > F
Crop insurance proceeds received in the current year
Total Crop Insurance Proceeds
Farm Rental > 4835
Agricultural program payments
Agriculture Payments
Farm Rental > 4835
Crop insurance proceeds received in the current year
Total Payments
Box 8 - Box 2 is trade or business income
Income > Refunds
State/local income tax refunds
Trade or business
Box 9 - Market gain
Farm > F
Agricultural program payments
Market gain
Box 9 - Market gain
Farm Rental > 4835
Agricultural program payments
Market gain
Box 10a - State
Income > Income
Unemployment compensation received
Box 11 - State income tax withheld
Income > Income
Unemployment compensation received
State W/H


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