Form 1099-S data entry

To enter information from Form 1099-S, Proceeds From Real Estate Transactions, you can either:
  • Use Source Data Entry.
  • Use the following tables to find where to enter the information.

Taxpayer's principal residence

Use this table if the property sold was the taxpayer's principal residence.
Form field
Folder > Screen
Transferor’s identification number
Personal Sale > Home
Code the screen unit to T or S to indicate if the Transferor is the Taxpayer or the Spouse.
Box 1 - Date of closing
Personal Sale > Home
Date former home was sold
Box 2 - Gross proceeds
Personal Sale > Home
Selling price of home
Box 3 - Address or legal description
Personal Sale > Home
Box 6 - Buyer’s part of real estate tax
Personal Sale > Home
  • Buyer’s part of real estate tax code
  • Amount from Form 1099-S, Box 6
To report a nondeductible loss on Form 8949, enter
in the
Report on Form 8949 if not required

Sale of any other property

Use this table if the property sold was not the taxpayer's principal residence.
Form field
Folder > Screen
Transferor’s identification number
Personal Sale > Sale
Code the screen unit to T or S to indicate if the Transferor is the Taxpayer or the Spouse.
Box 1 - Date of closing
Personal Sale > Sale
Date sold
Box 2 - Gross proceeds
Personal Sale > Sale
Gross sales price or insurance proceeds received
Box 3 - Address or legal description
Personal Sale > Sale
Box 6 - Buyer’s part of real estate tax
Personal Sale > Sale
  • Buyer’s part of real estate tax code
  • Amount from Form 1099-S, Box 6
  • The
    Buyer's part of real estate tax code/amount
    field reports real estate taxes charged to the buyer at the settlement. Use the code field to properly report this amount on the return. If you use code
    1 - Real estate taxes already paid; reduce real estate taxes deducted
    , the application will reduce Schedule A line 6, but not below zero. If you use code
    2 - Real estate taxes already deducted; report as other income
    , the application will report the amount as other income on Form 1040, line 21.
  • To exclude a loss entered on the Sale screen, enter
    in the
    Sale to related party


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