Use a practitioner PIN to sign a 1040 return

Follow these steps to use a Practitioner personal identification number (PIN) to sign a 1040 return electronically.
You need to mark the
Practitioner PIN Program filer
checkbox in
Office Configuration
, the
tab, then
before following these steps. You only have to mark this checkbox once.
  1. Complete the return and print a copy for the client and yourself to review.
  2. Select the
    tab in the Electronic Filing folder.
  3. Enter the
    , a self-selected set of 5 numbers. You can select any 4 numbers except 00000. The actual electronic return originator personal identification number (ERO PIN) is an 11-digit number. The 1st 6 digits consist of your EFIN from the IRS. The last 5 digits consist of the self-selected numbers entered in the PIN screen.
  4. Have the client complete the
    , if necessary)
    fields. The PIN includes 5 self-selected numbers of any combination except 00000.
    When using a Practitioner PIN, you need to sign Part III of Form 8879, IRS e-file Signature Authorization. This verifies that you've verified the identity of the taxpayer (and spouse, if necessary) and met the Practitioner PIN requirements.
    As the ERO, you may enter the taxpayer and spouse PINs if you have the taxpayer's and spouse's written signature on Form 8879. Form 79 will print with the return if you elect to use the PIN. Don't mail this form to the IRS unless asked to, but keep it with your records. If you don't complete the PIN screen fields, UltraTax CS generates a diagnostic, and the PIN fields aren't included in the electronic return. If you want to print an incomplete Form 8879, mark the
    Print electronic filing PIN signature forms
    field in the PIN screen, or select the option to print the form when any data is present by selecting
    1040 Individual
    Tax Return
    in the Collation section,
    Form 8879
    from the list, then
    Always if data


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