1040 Kansas electronic filing information

State contact information

If you have specific questions about what you can e-file or about rejections you received, contact the state for more information.
Department of Revenue
Electronic Services
905 SW Jackson Street RM 806
PO Box 3506
Topeka, Kansas 66601-3506
: 785.368.8222
Tax Refund Inquiries
: 785.368.8222 or  https://www.kdor.ks.gov/Apps/kcsc/increfundstatus.aspx

State electronic filing details

Grace period
5 days
E-filing mandate
You must e-file at least 90% of returns if you are preparing 50 or more.
Accepts state-only filings
Only if you have previously e-filed the federal return. If you have not previously filed the federal return, or the federal return was rejected, you must e-file the federal return at the time you are e-filing the state return.
Return types accepted
Part-year resident
Estimate payments
Homestead/Property claim
Return types not accepted
Local Intangibles return
LLC Annual Report
Accepts returns with these conditions
Zero balance
Balance due
Direct deposit of refunds
Accepted forms of payment
Direct debit (EFW)
Credit card
Online ePayment
Signature requirements
Kansas considers the act of e-filing a signature.
Supports PDF attachments
Tax year(s) supported for e-filing
Current tax year and two prior tax years
Special considerations
See KS-1345 e-file Handbook. You can fax certain forms and schedules that you cannot e-file to 785-296-8989 Attn: Chad Sullivan.


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