Adjusted basis calculation of new asset in like-kind exchange

In the
Asset Disposal
tab of each disposed asset, the
Adj Tax Basis
field is calculated from the following items:
  • Adjusted basis of original asset
  • Exchange expenses incurred
  • Cash paid
  • FMV of other property given up
  • Liabilities assumed - Liabilities (including mortgages) given up
This assumes you're following Notice 2000-4 and Regulation 1.168(i)-6T.
The following fields also can have an impact of the adjusted tax basis:
  • Cash received:
    Cash received reduces the amount of exchange expenses in the equation, but doesn't reduce it to less than zero.
    • If the exchange expenses are greater than the cash received, the basis is reduced by the amount of cash received.
    • If the cash received is the larger amount, the basis will be reduced by the full amount of the exchange expenses.
  • FMV of other (not like-kind) property received:
    This value affects the equation the same way as cash received.
  • FMV of other non sec 1245 like-kind property received:
    This figure nets against exchange expenses.
    • If exchange expenses are greater than the FMV, reduces the basis by the amount of FMV.
    • If the FMV is larger, the difference between the 2 figures is added into basis.


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