Assets missing from activity or schedule

If assets are missing from an activity, it could be that the assets are present in the client but have been accidentally entered or reassigned to the wrong activity or schedule. To check if this is the case, do the following:
  1. While in the
    Asset List
    window, select
    and select
    Reassign Assets
  2. Select
    in the Activity dropdown list within the Focus section.
  3. If any assets show in the left pane, select them to the right pane and reassign them to the appropriate activity and unit within the Reassign To section.
    Often assets in the (Unknown) activity are duplicated or contain incomplete information and need to be deleted. To delete the assets, first assign them to an activity (you can select the Miscellaneous activity) and then delete them from that activity.
  4. If the assets didn't appear when selecting
    in the Activity dropdown list, select
    All Activities
    . If the assets appear repeat Step 3.
    Review the Miscellaneous Asset list located in the Non Calculating folder. Assets from converted clients are sometimes moved to this Asset list. They can be reassigned to the proper activity.
  5. If the previous steps didn't resolve the issue, verify that the data locations for the client, and depreciation files are correct.


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