Assets missing from recently renamed file

If all assets are missing from a client, 1st check that the data locations are correct for the application.
If the data locations are correct, another possible cause is that the client was renamed recently in another year of UltraTax CS. For example, if you have a client in Fixed Assets CS under the name “Smith” and rename the client to “Jones” in UltraTax CS, you won't be able to see assets in the Fixed Assets CS and UltraTax CS client “Smith.” This is because the files in DeprData are now named “Jones” and the UltraTax CS clients are still named “Smith.” If this is the case continue to step 3.
  1. Restore a Fixed Assets CS backup of the client file.
  2. Restore an UltraTax CS backup for the client for each prior year.
  3. Rename the file back to the original name by following the following steps:
    1. Using Windows Explorer, go to 
      and rename the client's folder to
    2. Within UltraTax CS, rename the client to its original name.
    3. With the client open in UltraTax CS, go to
      and select
      Save As
      and create the new client file with the newest name.
    4. Open the client file with the old name in UltraTax CS.
    5. Go to
      and select
      to delete the old name client file. This will delete only the depreciation data file.


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