Copy assets

This procedure helps you to save time when you enter a new asset by copying an existing asset. It's especially useful if you need to enter several similar assets that vary only slightly or want to see the results of applying different treatments. You can copy assets within an activity or between different clients and activities.
When an asset is copied using the following method, a new asset is created that's identical to the original asset. You can copy assets in groups of 1,000 or fewer assets. If you try to copy more than 1,000 assets at 1 time, an error message will appear stating:
The maximum number of assets you can cut/copy is 1000
When copying assets between clients, make sure the treatments set up in the source client are also set up in the destination client before the asset is pasted into that client. Treatments that aren't set up in the destination client won't be copied to that client.
  1. Open the
    Asset List
    window for an activity.
  2. Select the asset you want to copy.
    • To select a range of assets listed consecutively, select the 1st asset you want to copy, use the Shift key, and select the last asset you want to copy.
    • To select multiple assets that aren't listed consecutively in the
      Asset List
      window, select the 1st asset you want to copy, use the Ctrl key and select each asset you want to copy.
  3. Select
    , then
    Copy Asset
  4. Select the activity folder with the assets you want to copy.
    If you're copying assets to another client, open that client and select the activity folder.
  5. Select
    , then
    Paste Asset
    • Select 1 of the new assets, then
      to change any of the asset's data.
    • If you copy and paste assets from 1 client to another, the application automatically sets up any application-defined associations used for the asset you're copying.
    • If you copy assets that were part of a mass disposition, the application creates an individual disposition for each asset in the new client or activity. To recreate the original mass disposition, select
      Mass Dispositions
      , select and delete the dispositions that the application created for each asset, then delete all but 1 of the mass dispositions.
    • If the numbers assigned to the assets you're moving are already in use in the activity where they're being added, the lowest available numbers are automatically assigned to the pasted assets. You can change how assets are automatically numbered.


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