Prepare Form 1040X amended returns and 1040-SS/1040-PR corrected returns for electronic filing

You can e-file an amended 1040 return if it meets these requirements:
  • Current tax year return and prior 2 tax years
  • The original form was a 1040 or 1040-SR (original return must have been electronically filed for 2020 returns)
  • The original form was a 1040-NR starting with 2022
  • The original form was a 1040-SS or 1040-PR return starting with 2022
    The IRS refers to amended 1040-SS/1040-PR returns as Corrected returns. 1040-X is not included for a Corrected 1040-SS or 1040-PR return.
  • Taxpayer and Spouse, if applicable, SSN matches the original return
Follow these steps to electronically file a Form 1040-X amended return.
  • You can use the same taxpayer and spouse PINs that were used for the originally filed Form 1040.
  • Form 8879 will print
    at the top of the form when it's for electronically filing the amended return.
  • Form 8879 will print
    at the top of the form when it's for electronically filing a corrected Form 1040-SS or 1040-PR.
  • Form 1040-V won't print and can't be submitted with a paper filed Form 1040-X.
  • You can generate and print Form 1040-V with an electronically filed Form 1040-X.
  1. Complete the amended return.
  2. If there's no e-file accepted status on the original Form 1040 for the client (for example, if you filed the return in another software or if the status was lost): for 2020, go to the
    screen in the Separate Filings folder and mark the
    Original return was electronically filed (Force)
  3. Go to the PIN screen in the Electronic Filing folder.
    1. Mark the
      Form 8879 is for superseded return or amended return (Form 1040-X)
      field. Before 2022 the field is
      Form 8879 is for amended (Form 1040-X)
    2. Enter a new date in the
      Signature date
  4. If there's a balance due and you want to pay electronically:
    1. Go to the
    2. Mark the
      Electronic funds withdrawal is for Amended return (Form 1040-X)
    3. Enter a new date in the
      Requested payment date
    4. If you need to force the tax payment amount, use the
      Amount of tax payment (Force)
  5. Create and transmit the federal amended e-file.
    When you create the e-file, the return type in CS Connect will still show as Form 1040. You can verify the amended return by finding
    in the XML.


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