Considerations for good performance in a terminal server environment

Antivirus and firewall configuration

Real time scanning by antivirus application, as well as certain firewall configurations, may potentially degrade performance within a terminal server environment. We recommend making certain exclusions to your security solutions to ensure CS Professional Suite applications are running optimally.

Troubleshooting performance issues in virtual environments

CS Professional Suite applications can be installed and run in a virtual environment. However, due to the complexity of virtualization, Thomson Reuters can't be responsible for configuring your virtual environment. When configuring or working in a virtual environment, consult your firm's qualified IT professional.
Virtualization application lets multiple operating system instances to run at the same time on a single computer or server. ('Virtualization' is also referred to as virtual environment, virtual machine, or VM.)
When troubleshooting performance issues in virtual environments, keep the following in mind:
  • Sharing of resources.
    • The host system shares memory and processor resources with the guest operating system.
    • Workstations that run our CS Professional Suite applications have a minimum of 2 GB of RAM installed.
    • However, to ensure that both the guest and host operating system have enough resources to share, we recommend that you have 4 GB of RAM or more installed on each workstation.
    • If you plan to allot half of your installed RAM to the guest operating system and also plan to do heavy multi-tasking, you should increase the installed RAM to the 6-8 GB range.
  • Processes in the host system could affect performance in the guest system.
    • Be aware that when you look at the memory and processor resources used by the guest operating system, you don’t see the whole picture.
    • For example, the guest might show a CPU utilization of 20 percent, but the CPU in the host could be running at 80 percent, which would affect the performance of the guest as well.
  • Supported host operating system.
    • The host operating system should be a supported system.
  • Data Execution Protection.
    • Data Execution Protection (DEP) is a security service that performs checks on memory to protect against application errors and code exploits.
    • DEP, especially in a terminal server environment, is known to cause compatibility issues with certain types of drivers and can also cause some 32-bit applications to function improperly.
    • CS Professional Suite applications are 32-bit applications and they don’t require DEP.
    • Consider configuring the DEP feature so that it is running only for 64-bit applications and for essential Microsoft services.
If you experience performance issues when running a CS Professional Suite application in a virtual environment, to test whether freeing up the system resources would solve the performance problems, you should install the application in the host operating system while the guest operating system is shut down.
Also, if you encounter problems and you use roaming profiles, test for issues while using a local profile. If using a local profile resolves the issue, consider reviewing your roaming profile set up.


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