Installation considerations

There are some things you and your Information Technology (IT) professional can do to help prevent issues during installation. Share this with your IT professional and review these considerations before you start installing.

Where are you installing?

  • Non-network/standalone computer installations should be on the computer's C: drive. You'll sit at the computer you are installing
    UltraTax CS
  • Local Area Network (LAN) or server installations should not be on the C: drive of the server. Instead, map a drive to the server and install there. You'll sit at one of the workstations on the network or at the server directly.
  • Terminal server installations should be on the local drive of the terminal server. You'll sit at the terminal server console.


Make sure you sign in as a Windows administrator to prevent issues during installation. Check with your IT professional if you have questions or consult Windows' support site.
In addition, you'll want to set these permissions in Windows:
  • Each person using CS Professional Suite products should have a local administrator account.
  • Your staff needs
    Full control
    over these directories and subdirectories:
    • C:\Users\<user>
    • C:\Windows\Temp
    • C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Thomson Reuters
    • C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Temp\UTYYData
    • X:\WinCSI\Licenses*
    • X:\WinCSI\Tools*
    • X:\WinCSI\DeprData*
    • X:\WinCSI\UTYY*
    • X:\WinCSI\UTYYSys*
    • X:\WinCSI\UTYYData *
  • If you're on a server, you need to set these server permissions in Windows:
    • Everyone needs
      , and
      access to the network location where you installed the application.
    • Everyone needs the same permissions for the application and data folders located in [drive name]:\WinCSI.
  • If you use Virtual Office or SaaS, also grant full control for these folders:
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\ICA Client
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Receiver
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\VO Citrix
    • C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\ICA Client
    • C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Citrix

System Requirements

You'll need to make sure each computer accessing CS Professional Suite products meets the minimum system requirements.


CS Professional Suite applications communicate with our authentication servers to validate staff credentials. Your firewall may require you to set exceptions to specific web addresses. If so, create exceptions for the following addresses.
  • **
  • *
Make sure the following ports are open for inbound and outbound traffic:
  • Port 80
  • Port 443 (CS Connect uses SSL for data encryption)
  • Port 8080 (CS Connect uses this port as an HTTP alternative)
Your firewall may require you to set exceptions to specific web addresses. If so, create exceptions for the following addresses.


UltraTax CS uses a local drive to temporarily store client data when a client is open. We recommend you exclude the following folders from real-time scanning:
  • X:\WinCSI
    (where X is the drive hosting the WinCSI folder)
  • C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Thomson Reuters
  • C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Temp\UTYYData
    (where YY is the year of UltraTax CS)
  • If you mark the
    Improve performance using local drive
    option in the Setup > User Preferences > Misc tab, the application will create a
    folder, where X represents your selected local drive. We recommend that you also exclude this folder from real-time scanning.
Some antivirus applications may not allow exclusions for entire folders but do allow exclusions for specific files. Listed below are recommended exclusions. Note that each reference of "YY" indicates the year of UltraTax CS.
  • X:\WinCSI\UTYY\utwYY.exe
  • X:\WinCSI\UTYY\utwapp.exe
  • X:\WinCSI\UTYY\csiupd.exe
  • X:\WinCSI\UTYY\utwYYk1.exe
  • X:\WinCSI\UTYY\utwYYsde.exe
  • X:\WinCSI\UTYY\Desktop\setup.exe
  • X:\WinCSI\Tools\connectbgdl.exe
  • X:\WinCSI\Tools\UTLicYY\setup.exe
Some antivirus applications allow exclusions for specific file extensions. Exclude .ut* and .zpd from real-time scanning.
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