Research expert witnesses with Profiler

You can ensure your expert is qualified and their opinions will not run the risk of being excluded by a judge with Westlaw Profiler. Use the tools in Profiler to gather relevant information and inform your case strategy.
Westlaw Profiler can help you find and retain the best experts for your case, as well as prepare effective cross examinations of your opponent's expert witnesses.
in the Specialty areas section of the homepage to use it.
An expert witness's profile contains brief details on the expert, as well as tabs for any references, reports, testimonial history, and publications available.
Reports in Profiler can provide insights derived from cases, jury verdicts, briefs, depositions, and a variety of other data to help develop your case strategy. The following types of reports are available for expert witnesses:
Expert Challenge
This report can be used to evaluate the expert's litigation experience, identify potential weaknesses in the expert's testimony, and review how judges have ruled when an expert's testimony was challenged. Select hyperlinked content to review testimony, related court orders, and other information. You can use this information to vet expert witnesses before hiring them for your case, or to develop a strategy for cross-examination and challenges of an opposing party's expert witness.
Expert Evaluator
This report is a great starting place as you research potential expert witnesses. You can learn about an expert's litigation experience, prior court appearances, jury verdicts, past clients, and read the expert's testimony, depositions, and other court filings. Select the hyperlinked number to review the relevant materials.
tab helps you to quickly get targeted expert materials on an individual, such as expert testimony, trial transcripts, dockets, and resumes. You can review court-filed resumes to see how an expert's experiences have changed over time.
If you select content in any of these reports or materials that's not included in your Westlaw subscription, a notification will pop up with options to access the content for an additional charge. If you choose not to continue, no charges will be incurred.


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