Use Find and Print

You can use Find and Print to download, email, or print up to 100 full text documents. All you need is a list of citations.
All Find & Print document requests are charged according to your Westlaw
subscription plan.
  1. Select
    , then
    Find & Print
  2. Enter the citations you want to search for separated by a semicolon. You can also copy and paste a list of citations instead.
  3. You can customize delivery options for Cases, Statutes & Court Rules, and Patents.
  4. With KeyCite options, you can add additional information, including:
    1. History Treatments
      - Find KeyCite history on your documents and optionally exclude related filings for cases.
    2. Negative Treatments
      - Discover negative history associated with the cases you've searched for.
    3. Citing References
      - Find the KeyCite citing references for your documents and optionally exclude pleadings, briefs, and other court documents.
  5. Select a delivery method.
    1. If you've chosen email, enter your contact information and choose how the files will be delivered.
  6. Select