Search corporate filings and agreements with Business Law Center

The Business Law Center in Westlaw
provides access to business information resources organized in a way that allows you to navigate to the most relevant items.
The Business Law Center has several resources to help you research company filings and agreements on the Electronic Data Gathering Analysis and Retrieval (EDGAR) system used at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Within the Content types tab, select
Business Law Center
from the Specialty areas section on the
Content types
  • You can search by entering search terms, company names, or other identifying company information in the search field.
  • You can also browse by selecting any of the form or filing types on the page.
    • After searching, you can use the filtering options to conduct a search by term within the results. You can also filter by date, letter type, law firm, and more. The filter options will vary depending on the content type you're viewing.
The sidebar contains links to curated searches, additional resources, Trending Topics, and Hot Documents.