Use Quick Check

Use Quick Check to check your own work, analyze your opponent’s work to identify potential weaknesses, or compare multiple filings from a matter.
You can access Quick Check from these locations:
  • On the Westlaw
  • On the
  • Submit to Quick Check
    on briefs and trial court filings
  • Submit to Quick Check
    when you highlight text on case laws, briefs, and trial court documents
  • If you have both Drafting Assistant and Westlaw
    , you'll have access to Quick Check from within Drafting Assistant.

Check your work

You can use Quick Check to give your brief a final quality check or to refresh an argument you've used in the past. Quick Check will verify your citations and quotations.
  1. On the Westlaw
    homepage, select
    Quick Check
  2. Select
    Check your work
  3. You can either drag and drop your file into the designated area, or select
    Choose file
    to upload your file. Quick Check supports Word documents that are 20MB or less and PDF documents that are 30MB (about 120 pages) or less.
    You can enter text with cited authority if you want to analyze only a portion of your brief or a short piece of text.
  4. Once you've uploaded your file or entered text, Quick Check identifies recommendations that are highly relevant to the issues in the input document, but not otherwise cited.

Analyze an opponent's work

Analyze your opponent’s brief to view KeyCite information for their citations, an analysis of quotations, and to surface relevant cases that oppose your opponent’s position.
  1. On the Westlaw
    home page, select
    Quick Check
  2. Select
    Analyze an opponent's work
  3. You can either drag and drop your file into the designated area, or select
    Choose file
    to upload your file. Quick Check supports Word documents that are 20MB or less and PDF documents that are 30MB (about 120 pages) or less.
    You can enter text with cited authority if you want to analyze only a portion of your opponent's brief or a short piece of text.
  4. Once you've uploaded a file or entered text, Quick Check provides recommendations of authority contrary to your opponent's arguments and relevant authority your opponent omitted, negative aspects about the opponent's cited authority and cases to support your side.

Quick Check Judicial

Upload multiple filings to receive an easy-to-view report where you can quickly compare the citations relied upon by both parties, plus relevant authority that was omitted.
  1. On the Westlaw
    home page, select
    Quick Check
  2. Select
    Quick Check Judicial
  3. Drag and drop up to 6 documents into the designated area, or select
    Choose file
    to upload files. Quick Check supports Word documents that are 20MB or less and PDF documents that are 30MB (about 120 pages) or less.
  4. Enter each party name and drag and drop the files for each party.
    You can compare 2 parties at a time with the ability to analyze up to 3 documents per party.
  5. Enter a report name, then select
    Start analysis