Error: File cannot be accessed by the system when you export from Accounts Production Advanced


You may get the following error message when you export a trial balance from Accounts Production Advanced as a Microsoft Excel file.
Error message
The file cannot be accessed by the system.


The likely cause is a failure of your Microsoft Windows operating system to access Excel files. This might happen after your firm re-installs or updates Microsoft Office, or when there's a problem with your firm's data storage.


We recommend that only an experienced IT professional carries out these steps. This is because incorrect changes to the Microsoft Windows Registry can cause problems that will prevent your system from working properly. 
  1. Check that Microsoft Excel opens and functions correctly.
  2. If Excel doesn't function correctly, ask your firm's IT professional to fix the problem.
  3. Find the location of the
    file on your computer and make a note of it.
    You could search for
    Windows File Explorer
    or enter Excel in
    Windows Search bar
    , right-click
    in the results, and select
    Open file location
    from the context menu. Common file locations are:
    • C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office
      for a 64-bit version.
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office
      for a 32-bit version.
  4. Run Windows Registry Editor as administrator.
  5. If the
    Computer\HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\excel.exe
    key is present:
    1. Select this key.
    2. Make sure the file path in the Data column of the
      setting is correct.
     Windows Registry Editor. In the tree diagram of Registry keys in the first pane, the Computer\HKEY_LOCALMACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\excel.exe Registry key is selected. The second pane shows the values within the excel.exe Registry key.  The file path for excel.exe is shown in the Data column for the valled called (Default).
  6. If the
    Computer\HKEY_CURRENT USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\excel.exe
    key is present:
    1. Select this key.
    2. Make sure the file path in the Data column of the
      setting is correct.
  7. Close Microsoft Windows Registry.
  8. Restart the computer and re-export the trial balance.