Manage direct deposit files

Accounting CS integrates with Kotapay so you can send your clients' electronic payments directly to their employees' checking or savings account. You can also make child support payments and payments to non-taxed employees.
You can use
Manage Files
to do the following:
  • Preview selected files or transactions.
  • Reverse the transactions for a client or for individual employees.
  • Recreate the ACH files.
  • Preview or print the ACH Detail Report or the ACH Condensed Report.

Work in
Manage Files

  1. Select
    Process Direct Deposit
  2. Select
    Manage Files
  3. Mark the checkboxes for the client transactions you want to view or change.
    Use the filters to reduce the number of files on the grid. You can filter by day, month, quarter, or year.
  4. Select plus sign for any ACH file to get a detailed list of individual transactions.
  5. To recreate selected files, select
    Recreate File
    Regular direct deposit files are recreated in the default file location. If you are using Kotapay to transmit ACH files, the selected files are recreated and transmitted to Kotapay.
  6. To re-create a modified version of the ACH file that includes only some of its original transactions:
    1. Return to
      Process Direct Deposit
    2. Select the range of the processed ACH files you want.
    3. Select plus sign to expand the file information.
    4. Mark the checkboxes for the transactions you want to include in the new ACH file.
    5. Select
      Create Files
  7. To run a condensed ACH report, select
    Condensed Report
    This is only available if you marked one or more transactions on the grid.
  8. To run a detailed ACH report, select
    Detail Report
    This is only available if you marked one or more transactions on the grid.
  9. To reverse a transaction:
    1. Mark the checkbox for any ACH file or any individual transaction in the ACH file.
    2. Select 
      Reverse Transaction
    3. Accept or change the file name, then select
    • Reverse Transaction
      isn't available for:
      • ACH transactions that have already been reversed.
      • ACH file entries that have an addenda record.
      • ACH files that have a method of Kotapay.
    • Reversing a direct deposit transaction has no effect on the original employee payroll check. To remove the amount from employee earnings, you'll need to edit the original payroll check. When you reverse, delete, or void checks, the application adjusts any related payroll liabilities with a negative amount.
    • If you are using International ACH Transactions (IAT), reversals are handled on a best-effort basis. The rules for reversing files and reversing entries vary by country and, in some countries, such transactions may be prohibited