Add a staff portal

Follow these steps to add a staff portal.
  1. If you have NetStaff CS admin rights, select the
    tab of the navigation pane.
  2. Select
    in the NetStaff CS section.
  3. Select
    at the end of the Users list.
  4. In the Add NetStaff CS Users window, select the method you want to use to create users.
    • Single user - automatic notification
      : You'll enter the name and email information. This is the email address they will use to login to their NetStaff CS account and you can require clients to enter the last 4 numbers of their employee identification number (EIN) or Social Security number (SSN) when they register their portals.
    • Multiple users - automatic notification
      : You'll copy the name and email information from a spreadsheet. See the steps to create a spreadsheet to add multiple portal users for more information. You can require clients to enter the last 4 numbers of their employee identification number (EIN) or Social Security number (SSN) when they register their portals.
  5. Select
  6. Give the user access to NetStaff CS modules.
    • Your firm's primary NetFirm CS administrator can make any client portal private.
    • You can give users access to some NetClient CS modules at the group level.
    • You can view the client portals you create through NetFirm CS administration.
  7. Select

Optional steps

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