Troubleshoot issues with Timerack

Refer to the following common issues for Timerack troubleshooting tips:

When importing a payroll batch, I'm prompted to update my employees' pay rates

Time Rack import files include the rate as a standard part of the file structure. At this time, Timerack can designate 1 hourly or salary rate per employee.
  1. In Timerack, select
    Employee Data
    and select the employee you need.
  2. In the Personal Information section, enter the employee's salary or hourly rate.
  3. This information will be updated on the next time card XML file that's exported from Timerack to Accounting CS Payroll.

My client made a change to an employee record in Timerack, but it's not showing in Accounting CS

After making any changes to employee records in Timerack, you'll need to export a new employee updates file to Accounting CS Payroll.
  1. Select
    System Maintenance
    , then
    Upload Employees to Accounting CS
  2. The updated information will import into Accounting CS Payroll the next time you import a payroll schedule for the client or select
    Employees in Accounting CS Payroll

I made changes to an employee record in Accounting CS, but my client isn't seeing the change in Timerack

If changes made to an employee record aren't showing up in Timerack, have your client select
System Updates
Download Updates from Accounting CS
, then go to the
Employee Updates
screen and accept or reject any pending changes.

Duplicate employees are showing in both Timerack and Accounting CS.

This happens if an employee record is added manually to both applications, rather than added to 1 application and imported to the other.
  1. Delete the duplicated employee record from Timerack.
  2. Select
    System Maintenance
    Download Updates from Accounting CS
    , then
    Employee Updates
  3. Accept the incoming data.

Accruable benefit hours are mapping to the incorrect pay item

By design, accruable benefit hours always map to the employee's first active pay item. You can change which pay item the accruable benefit hours are mapped to by adjusting the order of the items in the
Payroll Item Sort Order
window. Alternatively, after importing the data for the batch, you can change the allocation of the the benefit hours in Accounting CS.

I accidentally canceled the batch I was working on in Accounting CS and now the Timerack file isn’t importing

  1. In Accounting CS, select
    Enter Batch Payroll Checks
    , then select the pay schedule.
  2. When the payroll checks are created, select
    Suspend Batch
  3. Select the pay schedule again, then select
    Cancel Batch
  4. Select the pay schedule once more, then the Timerack file will import.


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