Check the e-file status of electronic forms

After you've processed electronic forms, you can check to see if your files have been accepted or rejected by the tax agency.
  1. Select
    , then
    Process Electronic Forms
  2. Select
    Manage Electronic Forms
  3. Use the filters to show only the forms that you want in the Electronic Forms grid.
  4. Select the ellipsis button next to a form's
    to show any detail and history regarding the status.
  5. To view the information that was contained in a file or files, mark the checkbox next to the forms then select
    Preview Selected
  6. Choose the format with which to view the files for the selected forms.
    • Detail
      : If you select
      Preview Selected
      with the
      option selected, the application displays the data that was contained in the file for the selected forms. This is the default option.
    • Condensed
      : If you select
      Preview Selected
      with the
      option selected, the application will create a printable report listing the client ID, the client name, the form, jurisdiction, period end date, payment effective date, status, status detail, and a forms count for all selected electronic forms.
  7. Mark the
    Separate report per client
    checkbox to create separate reports for each client when they are previewed or printed, so that they can be sent to client-specific FileCabinet CS drawers.
  8. If you need to reprocess a form that has already been transmitted to our secure data centers, select
    Remove Selected
    to remove that form from the Electronic Forms grid and make it available for reprocessing. The button will be available only when the selected form has a status of
    Sent to data center
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