E-file error rejection codes for 94x forms

Find solutions for common rejection error codes you might receive from the IRS when filing forms 940, 941, 943, 944, 945, or some state forms.

Data mismatch error: Error code R0000-004-01

Data Mismatch: 'ReturnTypeCd' (specified in the Return Header) and the return version (specified by the 'returnVersion' attribute of the 'Return' element) of the return must match the return type and the version supported by the Modernized e-File system.
The IRS is no longer accepting electronic filing of the year that you're trying to file. You'll need to file the form by paper.
For more information, go to the IRS Modernized e-File (MeF) User Guides and Publications page and review Publication 4163.

Database validation error: Error code R0000-188

The Reporting Agent PIN in the Return Header must match the data in the e-File database.
  1. Select
    , then go to the
    Process Electronic Forms
  2. Re-enter the Reporting Agent PIN in the
    Transmission Information
If the Reporting Agent PIN is correct, contact the IRS e-Help desk.

Accepted alert: Error code R0000-230

Information Message: /Return/ReturnHeader: IRS regulations require any entity with an EIN to update the Responsible Party information within 60 days of any change by filing Form 8822-B, Change of Address or Responsible Party - Business. It is critical that the IRS have accurate Responsible Party information in cases of identity theft or other fraud issues related to EINs or business accounts. For additional information on Responsible Parties visit the IRS website at: https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/responsible-parties-and-nominees. (rule R0000-230)
The previous message is a reminder to notify the IRS immediately if there are changes to the business name, business address. or responsible party by filing
Form 8822-B
, with the IRS.

Accepted alert: Error code R0000-232

Missing Document: /Return/ReturnHeader: 'IRSResponsiblePrtyInfoCurrInd' in the Return Header does not have a choice of "Yes" indicated. Therefore, (1) 'Form8822BAttachedInd' must be checked in the Return Header and (2) a binary attachment with description containing "Form 8822-B" must be present in the return. This return does not satisfy both conditions (1) and (2). IRS regulations require any entity with an EIN to update the Responsible Party information within 60 days of any change by filing Form 8822-B, Change of Address or Responsible Party - Business. For additional information on Form 8822-B, visit the IRS website at: https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs/about-form-8822-b. It is critical that the IRS have accurate Responsible Party information in cases of identity theft or other fraud issues related to EINs or business accounts. For additional information on Responsible Parties, visit the IRS website at: https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/responsible-parties-and-nominees. (rule R0000-232).
The previous message is a reminder to notify the IRS immediately if there are changes to the business name, business address, or responsible party by filing
Form 8822-B
, with the IRS.

Database validation error: Error code R0000-901-01

Database Validation Error: /Return/ReturnHeader/Filer/EIN: Filer's EIN and Name Control in the Return Header must match data in the e-File database. (value #########, rule R0000-901-01.
If you receive this error:
  1. Go to
    , then
  2. Select the
    tab, then check if the Client's EIN is correct.
  3. Select the
    Payroll Taxes
    tab, then check if the Business Name Control is correct in the Federal 94X Additional Information window.
Call the IRS to check if they have a different EIN or Name Control in their database.

Database validation error: Error code R0000-905-01

Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN) in the Return Header must be listed in the e-File database and in accepted status. EFIN value X, cannot be found from the database.
The error message may also include the following text.
EFIN value, XXXXXX, cannot be found in the database, rule R0000-905-01.
This error message displays if the EFIN is not in the IRS database.
Check that the EFIN is correct in the
Process Electronic Forms
, Transmission Information window.
If the EFIN number is correct, contact the IRS e-Help desk. If the rejection can't be resolved after contacting the IRS, you'll need to paper file the return.

Duplicate condition: Error code R0000-914-01

Taxpayer TIN in the Return Header must not be the same as the TIN of a previously accepted electronic return for the return type and quarter ending period indicated in the tax return.
The IRS has already accepted a return for this filing period and EIN.

Incorrect data: Error code F941-007-02

If Form 941, Line 12 'TotalTaxAfterAdjustmentAmtInd' has a non-zero value less than 2500, then Line 16 checkbox 'TotalTaxLessThanLimitAmtInd' must be checked.
  • Go to
    , then clear the
    Ignore deposit threshold
    checkbox in the Additional Information window.
  • Go to
    Payroll Taxes
    tab, then update the federal deposit schedule.

Incorrect data: Error code F941-008-01

If Form 941, Line 12 'TotalTaxAfterAdjustmentAmtInd' has a non-zero value less than 2500, then Schedule B (Form 941/941PR) must not be present in the return.
  • Go to
    , then clear the
    Ignore deposit threshold
    checkbox in the Additional Information window.
  • Go to
    Payroll Taxes
    tab, then update the federal deposit schedule.

Missing data: Error code F941-014-02

If Form 941, Line 16 checkbox 'MonthlyScheduleDepositorInd' checkbox is checked, then 'TotalQuarterTaxLiabilityAmt' must have a non-zero value.
  • Go to
    , then clear the
    Ignore deposit threshold
    checkbox in the Additional Information window.
  • Go to
    Payroll Taxes
    tab, then update the federal deposit schedule.

Error 101

The PIN and EFIN combination in the Origin Header is not valid.
The EFIN entered in the Transmission window doesn't match the EFIN that is on file with the IRS. If you're a reporting agent, the information in the Reporting Agent PIN and Confirm PIN fields may be incorrect.
Sometimes this rejection happens incorrectly, and simply re-submitting the file has corrected the problem.
Once you have corrected the issue in the application, you can resubmit the return.

Error 236

The length of <1234567890> does not conform to the schema.
If you're filing as a reporting agent, check if the 5-digit Reporting Agent PIN number is correct in the Reporting Agent PIN field. Go to
Process Electronic Forms
screen, then Transmission Information window to verify it.
Once you've corrected the issue in the application, you can resubmit the return.

Error 501

The Name Control does not match the IRS records for the EIN in the Return Header.
The Business Name Control is incorrect in the Additional Information window. Go to
, then
Payroll Taxes
tab to verify it.
To determine the correct Business Name Control, review IRS Publication 4163, and search on Business Name Controls.

Error 902

The Required Element <TagName> was not present.
This error message sometimes happens if the electronic file was created on an earlier version of the application. Make sure that you are using the latest version of the application, then queue your returns again.
If you continue to receive this error message, contact Support.

Error 958

Sequence violation <TagName> is not expected in this position.
This error message sometimes happens if the electronic file was created on an earlier version of the application. Make sure that you are using the latest version of the application, then queue your returns again.
If you continue to receive this error message, contact Support.

Error codes caused by a blank Schedule D

The following errors usually indicate you've submitted Form 941 with a blank Schedule D. To prevent these errors, you'll need to either fill out the Schedule D or select the
Do Not File
checkbox for Schedule D in the
Payroll Taxes
tab of the
, then
  • Error 238. The Text
    (<State /> <ZIPCode /> )
    includes leading or trailing spaces or includes 2 consecutive spaces.
  • Error 266. The State code
    (<ZIPCode/> </OtherParty>)
    is outside the pattern value of the state code in the schema.
  • Error 904. The entry
    ( <BusinessName1 / <Address>)
    exceeds the maximum field length of 9 for this element.
  • Error 905. The entry
    doesn’t meet the minimum field length of 4 for this element.
  • Error 928. The date entered
    (<OtherParty> <EIN />)
    is not in the needed format.

Account holder name blank or account holder name for bank is missing or incorrect

This error message happens when the account holder name is blank on the
tab of the
, then
Bank Accounts

Filing period is in the future

Unable to transmit file due to the following error(s): -Filling period is in the future.
This error happens when you try to send a return before the filling period has ended.

More information

You may get a
Rejected due to account problems
message when you try to file payroll tax forms electronically. This indicates the credit card on file with Thomson Reuters has either expired or has insufficient funds. Update your credit card information to resolve this error.
You need to paper file the
Form 941-X Adjusted Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return or Claim for Refund
if you have previously transmitted Form 941 electronically.

Re-process rejected electronic files

You can re-process your client's payroll tax forms electronically after addressing the cause of the e-file rejection.
  1. Select
    Process Payroll Tax Forms
    and process the form again, selecting Electronic as the filing method.
  2. Select
    Process Electronic Forms
    and select the checkboxes for the forms you want to re-process.
  3. Select
    Transmit Forms
    to file the payroll tax forms again.
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