Chart of accounts overview

You can set up a client's chart of accounts to be as simple or as complex as necessary. Each account number can be between 3 and 60 characters in length, using up to 20 segments. Account segments may include locations, departments, units, funds, projects, cost centers, activities, and so forth. Each segment may be color-coded to help identify each segment of the mask.

Set up the chart of accounts mask

Before you can set up the chart of accounts for a client, you'll need to first specify the chart of accounts mask to ensure that each account number is formatted correctly.

Set up account groupings

You can set up account groupings to group similar accounts together to compare balances and to help in report and financial statement preparation. Within an account grouping, you can define codes and subcodes to enhance the specificity of the groupings.

Set up the chart of accounts

After defining the chart of accounts mask, you can begin adding accounts to the chart of accounts.

and export
chart of accounts data

You can save time and reduce potential data-entry errors by importing chart of accounts data from
various sources
You can also export data to other applications.

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