CS applications running in virtual environments

CS Professional Suite applications can be installed and run in a virtual environment.
We provide this information as a courtesy. If you still have questions or need help, you'll need to contact a qualified IT professional. Support is available to help with Thomson Reuters products within our scope of service.
You can run multiple operating system instances at the same time on a single computer or server with virtualization software. It's also called a VM or virtual machine.
When troubleshooting performance issues in virtual environments, keep the following in mind:
  • Sharing of resources:
    • The host system shares memory and processor resources with the virtual software.
    • We recommend a minimum of 2 GB (gigabytes) of RAM (random access memory) for CS Professional Suite applications.
    • If you are using virtualization software, you should have at least 4 GB of RAM or 8 GB if you do a lot of multitasking.
  • Performance depends on the host:
    • Your virtual environment only shows you what it is using. This means that the host computer could be using 80 percent of your system's resources, while the virtual environment only says you're using 20 percent of your system's resources.
  • Supported host OS:
  • Data Execution Protection (DEP):
    • This security service performs checks on memory to protect against program errors and code exploits.
    • DEP is known to cause compatibility issues with certain types of drivers and also can potentially cause some issues for 32-bit applications.
    • Try disabling DEP if you have issues using CS Professional Suite applications.
You can also try installing your CS Professional Suite application locally if your application is running slowly or not working as expected. Shut down your virtualization software before doing this.
If you use roaming profiles, try testing with a local profile. You should consider reviewing your roaming profile configurations if this fixes your issue.
For additional information on Windows virtualization, refer to Microsoft's support site or contact your IT professional.


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