KeyCite status flags

This guide helps you understand the difference between the KeyCite status flags. You're able to find good law and citations with KeyCite and more.

Red flag

KeyCite red flag indicating bad law
A red flag means you've cited a case or decision that's bad law for 1 portion of law.
In statutes and regulations, a red flag means your citation was amended, repealed, superseded, or held unconstitutional in whole or in part.

Overruling risk

KeyCite overruling risk icon.
Your case is overruled because it cites a case that relies on or cites an overruled case.

Yellow flag

KeyCite Yellow flag icon
In cases and administrative decisions, a yellow flag warns that the case or administrative decision has some negative history but hasn't been reversed or overruled.
In statutes and regulations, the yellow flag can mean a few things.
  • The statute is renumbered or transferred.
  • Uncodified session law or proposed legislation affects the statute.
  • The validity of the statute was called into doubt.
  • It was preempted or limited on constitutional grounds.
  • The regulation was reinstated, corrected, or confirmed.
  • A prior version has negative treatment.

Blue striped flag

Blue striped Keycite Flag indicating appeal.
The blue striped flag means your was appealed to the US Court of Appeals or US Supreme Court.

Blue H

Blue H KeyCite icon.
The blue H means your case or administrative decision has some history.

Green C

Green C KeyCite icon.
Citing references available with no direct history or negative references.

Red U

Red U KeyCite icon indicating unverified.
Citation is unverified or has errors.

Red M

Red M KeyCite icon indicating incorrect format.
A red M means you have an error in a citation in your document. You should correct this error or make sure you entered it correctly.

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