Default Account Classification codes

  • Select
    from the Engagement Manager main toolbar, then select
    Account Groupings
    to add, edit, delete, or copy account groupings.
  • Account types include: Asset (A), Liability (L), Equity (Q), Revenue (R), Expense (E).
  • Engagement Manager uses the R and E account types to calculate net income (loss) value that is displayed on the Trial Balance tab.
  • You can't modify these codes, subcodes, or descriptions, but you can modify the account type mapping.

Account Classification codes and subcodes

  • CA - Current assets (account type: A)
    • CASH - Cash and equivalents
    • MS - Marketable securities
    • AR - Accounts receivable
    • ADA - Allowance for doubtful accounts
    • INV - Inventory
    • PE - Prepaid expenses
    • OCA - Other current assets
  • FA - Fixed assets (account type: A)
    • AD - Accumulated depreciation
    • BUILD - Buildings
    • EQUIP - Computers and equipment
    • LAND - Land
    • NON - Non-depreciable property and equipment
  • NCA - Non-current assets (account type: A)
    • LT - Long-term investments
    • IA - Intangible assets
    • ONCA - Other non-current assets
  • CL - Current liabilities (Account type: L)
    • AP - Accounts payable
    • CUR - Current portion of long-term debt
    • NP - Notes payable
    • AL - Accrued liabilities
    • COMP - Compensation
    • INT - Interest payable
    • TAX - Income taxes payable
    • PTP - Payroll taxes payable
    • OCL - Other current liabilities
  • LTL - Long-term liabilities (Account type: L)
    • LTD - Long-term debt
    • DEF - Deferred income taxes
    • OLTL - Other long-term liabilities
  • MEMO - Memo (Account type: M)
    • MEMO - Memo
  • EQ - Equity (Account type: Q)
    • CS - Capital stock
    • CAPC - Capital contributions
    • CAPW - Capital withdrawals
    • APIC - Additional paid in capital
    • TS - Treasury stock
    • PE - Partnership equity
    • RE - Retained earnings
    • OE - Other equity
    • DIV - Dividends
  • INC - Income (Account type: R)
    • SALE - Sales revenue
    • RET - Returns and allowances
  • COS - Cost of sales (Account type: E)
    • COS - Cost of sales
  • EXP - Operating expenses (Account type: E)
    • GEN - General and administrative expenses
    • SE - Selling expenses
    • RM - Repairs and maintenance
    • DEP - Depreciation expense
    • OC - Owners compensation
    • OOE - Other operating expense
    • PAY - Payroll
  • OI - Other income (Account type: R)
    • GAIN - Gain on sale
    • INT - Interest income
    • OI - Other income
  • OE - Other expenses (Account type: E)
    • LOSS - Loss on sale
    • OE - Other expenses
  • INT - Interest expense (Account type: E)
    • INT - Interest expense
  • TAX - Provision for income taxes (account type: E)
    • TAX - Provision for income taxes

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