Change a state's compliance with bonus depreciation

The information in the
State Calculations
window regarding each state's compliance with bonus depreciation and limitations on section 179 is current as of the 1st release of Fixed Assets CS for the application's tax year. If the state law regarding bonus depreciation or section 179 limits changes after the initial release of Fixed Assets CS, you'll need to make changes in this window.
To change a state's compliance with section 168(k) and 1400L, 1400N, or 168(n) or to change a state's section 179 limits, perform the following steps.
  1. In the
    Asset List
    window, select
    State Calculations
  2. In the
    State Calculations
    window, select the state you'll change calculation options for from the
  3. Select the tab for the entity type you want to change.
    If a client is open when you open the
    State Calculations
    window, the tab for that client's entity type is selected automatically.
  4. In the Follow IRC Sections 168(k) & 1400L, 1400N (GO Zone), or 168(n) (Disaster Area) group box, make the selections for the selected state's compliance.
  5. Select
    to save your changes.


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