Property not qualified (GO Zone/168(k)/168(n))

GO Zone: Automatic calculation as not qualified

When there's no entry in the
GO Zone/168(k) (force)
field in the
Asset Detail
window's Other tab and the client is marked as located in the GO Zone in the
tab, the following assets are automatically considered property that's not qualified for GO Zone bonus depreciation:
  • Assets placed in service before 8/28/05 or after 12/31/07.
  • Assets placed in service between 8/28/05 and 12/31/07 that depreciate using:
    • Any MACRS method with a life of 27.5 or higher.
    • MACRS SL ADS Life and MACRS 150% ADS Life over any life.
    • Amortization with any amortization section other than “167 - Computer software” selected in the
      tab of the
      Asset Detail
    • Straight-line, 125% DB, 200% DB, Years Digits, Units of Production, Memo, Land, or custom methods.

168(k): Automatic calculation as not qualified

When there's no entry in the
GO Zone/168(k) (force)
field in the
tab of the
Asset Detail
window, the following assets are automatically considered property that is not qualified for section 168(k) bonus depreciation:
  • Assets placed in service before 9/11/01, or between 1/01/05 and 12/31/07, or after 12/31/14.
  • Assets placed in service between 9/11/01 and 12/31/04 or 1/01/08 and 12/31/19 depreciated using:
    • Any MACRS method with a life of 27.5 or higher.
    • MACRS SL ADS Life and MACRS 150% ADS Life over any life.
    • Amortization with any amortization section other than “167 - Computer software” selected in the
      tab of the
      Asset Detail
    • Straight-line, 125%DB, 200%DB, Years Digits, Units of Production, Memo, Land, or custom methods.

Disaster Area: Automatic calculation as not qualified

When there's no entry in the
GO Zone/168(k) (force)
field in the
tab of the
Asset Detail
window, and the client is marked as being located in a Disaster Area in the
, then
tab, the following assets are automatically considered property that is not qualified for Disaster Area bonus depreciation:
  • Assets placed in service before 1/1/08.
  • Assets placed in service after 12/31/07 depreciated using:
    • Any MACRS method with a life of 27.5 or higher.
    • MACRS SL ADS Life and MACRS 150% ADS Life over any life.
    • Amortization with any amortization section other than “167 - Computer software” selected in the
      tab of the
      Asset Detail

GO Zone, Disaster Area, and 168(k): Forced calculation as not qualified

Prop not qualified (GO Zone/168(k)/168(n))
is selected in the
GO Zone/168(k) (force)
field in an asset's Other tab, the asset is considered to be property that's not qualified for bonus depreciation.


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