Depreciation Data Conversion—Asset Keeper Pro to Fixed Assets CS

This program converts your depreciation data from Asset Keeper Pro versions 2013 through 2022 dated 3/17/2023 2:12 PM. You can then import this data into Fixed Assets CS® version 2022.1 and later.
  • This conversion doesn't change any of your Asset Keeper Pro client data.
  • To avoid delays in converting your data, don't install any updates to your previous application.

Review information before the data conversion

Before you start this conversion, do the following:
  • Identify the companies to be converted and note the company names and file names in Asset Keeper Pro.
  • Identify the client IDs you'll use in Fixed Assets CS. If you'll integrate your depreciation client data with UltraTax CS® and/or Accounting CS®, the client IDs need to match.
  • Note the drive and path where the Asset Keeper Pro client data resides.
  • Note the entity type of the client (I = Individual, C = C Corporation, S = S Corporation, P = Partnership, and so on).
  • Note the current year beginning and ending dates (found in the Year-End field of the General section in the Client Information screen).
Before you convert your client data, verify that the current depreciation has been calculated for all of the client’s assets in Asset Keeper Pro.

Create conversion files from Asset Keeper Pro data files

Follow these steps to create the files that are used to import Asset Keeper Pro data into the Fixed Assets CS format
  1. To start the CS Conversions application, double-click
    CS Data Conversions
    on your desktop.
    If you didn't install the shortcut, select
    on the Windows taskbar then select
    All Programs
    CS Professional Suite
    , then
    CS Data Conversions
  2. In the Conversion Type field, select
  3. In the Competitor field, select
    Asset Keeper Pro
  4. In the Input Data Folder field, select
    to go to the location where your data is stored.
  5. Select
    to start the conversion program.
  6. In the client list, highlight the client you want to convert then select
  7. The client’s data is converted and a Client Data Transfer Report is prepared. When the process is complete, select
  8. To process another client, repeat steps 5 through 7.
  9. To import the converted data into Fixed Assets CS, select
    and then go to the Import the conversion file into Fixed Assets CS section.
If the first 11 characters of the file name are identical for 2 or more clients, you'll need to complete the entire conversion process for each client before you go to the next client. You'll need to complete the "Import the conversion file into Fixed Assets CS" and "Review the converted data" procedures before you create the export file in Asset Keeper Pro for another client with the same first 11 characters in the file name. If you don't complete the entire conversion process for each of these clients, the conversion program will overwrite the Client Data Transfer Reports.

Import the conversion file into Fixed Assets CS

Before you start the import, review the converted items and items not converted lists. These lists describe all known exceptions during the conversion from Asset Keep Pro to Fixed Assets CS.
  1. Double-click
    Fixed Assets CS
      on your desktop to start the program.
    If you didn't install the shortcut, select
    on the Windows taskbar, then select
    All Programs
    CS Professional Suite
    , then
    Fixed Assets CS
  2. Select
    New Client
    to create a new client in Fixed Assets CS.
    If applicable, you'll need to complete the
    Current fiscal year end
    Short years
    fields in the New Client window exactly as the information was entered in Asset Keeper Pro to ensure that the processing periods and depreciation calculation in the 2 applications match.
  3. Select
    Import Asset Data
    , then
    ASCII file
    . If the path specified in the
    Location of import
    file field isn't the location of your Asset Keeper Pro client data, select
    Change Location
    and go to the correct location.
  4. Enter the name of the conversion file you want to import or select the dropdown to view a list of conversion files that are available in the specified location. The name of the conversion file is in the
    format, where
    is the client’s file name from Asset Keeper Pro.
    To limit the number of files that appear, select
    Only include files with DSW extensions
    . The conversion program truncates file names longer than 11 characters.
  5. Select
    to transfer the files.
  6. When the import is complete, select
  7. Repeat steps 2 through 6 for each client you’ve created a conversion file for. For any client you haven't created a conversion file for, repeat the procedures in the “Create conversion files from Asset Keeper Pro data files” section.

Converted items—known exceptions

The following list of converted items describe known exceptions when you convert the Asset Keeper Pro data to Fixed Assets CS. This list also shows differences between the 2 applications and any data modifications that may be required in Fixed Assets CS after the conversion is complete.

Converted items—Activity

Assets for a client whose Entity is
, or
will convert to a Misc activity. Assets for a client whose Entity is
S Corporation
, or
will convert to a Page 1 activity. You'll need to assign the assets to the correct form or schedule after the assets are imported into Fixed Assets CS.

Converted items— Monthly depreciation

When creating the client in Fixed Assets CS, select
in the Calc period tab of the New Client window. Once the Asset Keeper Pro data is imported, you can change the calculation period to monthly.

Converted items—Treatments

The following table describes how the method type entered in Asset Keeper Pro converts into Fixed Assets CS as a treatment.
Method Type in Asset Keeper Pro
Treatment converted to Fixed Assets CS
F – Federal
A – Alt. Min. Tax
C – Adj Curr Earn
Other / ACE
B – Book / Financial
L – California
S – State (no bonus)
Because of differences between Fixed Assets CS and Asset Keeper Pro, for individual entity clients, the C–Adjusted Current Earnings method type converts as the Other treatment. For all other entities, the C–Adjusted Current Earnings method type converts as ACE. Only 1 treatment of each method type is allowed in Fixed Assets CS, so duplicate method types will convert as user-defined treatments with the method description entered in Asset Keeper Pro. A total of 4 user-defined treatments will convert. For purposes of the conversion, California is considered a duplicate method type of the State treatment and converts as a user-defined treatment.
The conversion program truncates treatment descriptions that exceed 6 characters.

Converted items—Methods

Due to differences between applications, some methods in Asset Keeper Pro don't have an exact corresponding method in Fixed Assets CS and were converted to the closest available option. However, you can create a custom method in Fixed Assets CS. For more information about creating a custom method, refer to the Defining a custom method for calculating depreciation.
Conversion of methods
Method entered in Asset Keeper Pro
Method converted to Fixed Assets CS
Memo (life converts blank)
DB100, SB100
Straight-line (full month)
DB175, SB175
Declining-balance 200%

Converted items—MACRS 150% method, code MA150

In Asset Keeper Pro, you could enter any number in the Life field for this method; with Fixed Assets CS, you can enter only certain lives based on the type of property. For lives that are available in both Asset Keeper Pro and Fixed Assets CS, the converted method and life are the same as the method and life you entered in Asset Keeper Pro.
  • If the life is 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, or 20, the asset converts with a MACRS 150% & Farm method.
  • If the life is 9 or 12, the asset converts with a MACRS Indian reservation method.
For any lives that are available in Asset Keeper Pro but not available in Fixed Assets CS, the conversion application converts these assets using the method MACRS 150% ADS, the class life converts as specified in the following table, and the ADS life is the same as the life entered in Asset Keeper Pro.
MACRS 150% DB method
Life entered in Asset Keeper Pro
MACRS class life converted to Fixed Assets CS
4 years or less
3 year property
More than 4 years but less than 10
5 year property
10 years or more but less than 16
7 year property
16 years or more but less than 20
10 year property
20 years or more but less than 25
15 year property
25 years or more
20 year property

Converted items—Alternative Depreciation System (ADS), code ASL — MACRS Personal

When you used this method in Asset Keeper Pro, you had to enter the ADS life used to depreciate the asset instead of the class life of the asset. In Fixed Assets CS, you'll need to enter both the class life and ADS life to depreciate an asset. Fixed Assets CS uses the class life for the grouping and reporting of assets on Form 4562 and other reports for ADS assets.
The following table specifies how the conversion program determines the class life of an asset based on the ADS life you entered in Asset Keeper Pro.
This table represents personal property only and assumes that no real property was depreciated using the methods in Asset Keeper Pro.
ADS life entered in Asset Keeper Pro
MACRS class life converted to Fixed Assets CS
4 years or less
3 year property
More than 4 years but less than 10
5 year property
10 years or more but less than 16
7 year property
16 years or more but less than 20
10 year property
20 years or more but less than 25
15 year property
25 years or more
20 year property

Converted items—Alternative Depreciation System, code ASL – MACRS Real

Asset Keeper Pro doesn't make a distinction between Non-Residential Real Property and Residential Rental Property. Assets that had an ASL – MACRS Real method and a life of 40 in Asset Keeper Pro are converted as follows:
  • If the asset was acquired before May 13, 1993, the asset converts to Fixed Assets CS with a life of 31.5.
  • If the asset was acquired after May 12, 1993, the asset converts to Fixed Assets CS with a life of 39.

Converted items—Declining-balance methods: DC, DE, and DI

Asset Keeper Pro calculation for these non-ACRS / non-MACRS methods doesn't switch to the straightline method even when the calculated amount using the straight-line method is greater than the declining balance method. However, Fixed Assets CS switches to the straight-line method under these circumstances.
You set this option on a client-by-client basis in Fixed Assets CS; you set this option on a treatment-by-treatment basis in Asset Keeper Pro.

Converted items—Asset Keeper Pro straight-line ACRSS - ACRS Real

When you used this method in Asset Keeper Pro, you had to enter the recovery class life used to depreciate the asset instead of the class life of the asset. In Fixed Assets CS, you'll need to enter both the class life and recovery class life to depreciate an asset. Fixed Assets CS uses the class life for the grouping and reporting of assets on Form 4562 and other reports for ADS assets.
The following table specifies how the conversion program determines the class life of an asset based on the ADS life you entered in Asset Keeper Pro.
Life entered in Asset Keeper Pro
ACRS class life converted to Fixed Assets CS
18 years
18 year property
19 years
19 year property
To manually change the life for an asset, select the life for each asset in the

Converted items—Asset Keeper Pro MACRS straight-line depreciation method, code MSL

Asset Keeper Pro allows any life in the Depr Life field for this method. Fixed Assets CS allows only certain lives. These assets convert as follows based on the life entered.
  • If the life is 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, or 20, the asset converts with a MACRS straight-line method and Life converts the same as what was entered in Asset Keeper Pro.
  • If the life is 31.5 or 39, the asset converts with a MACRS method and Life converts the same as what was entered in Asset Keeper Pro.
  • If the life is 40, the asset converts as MACRS straight-line with a life of 27.5.
  • If the life is 50, the asset converts as MACRS straight-line with a life of 25.
For any other lives that are available in Asset Keeper Pro but not available in Fixed Assets CS, the conversion application converts these assets using the method MACRS straight-line ADS, the class life converts as specified in the following table, and the ADS life is the same as the life entered in Asset Keeper Pro.
Life entered in Asset Keeper Pro
MACRS class life converted to Fixed Assets CS
4 years or less
3 year property
More than 4 years but less than 10
5 year property
10 years or more but less than 16
7 year property
16 years or more but less than 20
10 year property
20 years or more but less than 25
15 year property
25 years or more but not = 50 years
20 year property
50 years
25 year property

Converted items—Indian reservation

Fixed Assets CS allows for 200 percent and 150 percent Indian Reservation property. If you used a different MACRS method in Asset Keeper Pro, the asset converts as MACRS – Indian Reservation with the applicable recovery period.

Converted items—Asset dispositions

Disposal Information in the Selling Price and Selling Expense fields in Asset Keeper Pro isn't converted. The date on which the asset was disposed converts. The asset converts with a disposal method of Sold / Scrapped and a property type of 1245 – Trade or business property. To manually enter or update the information, enter the information for the asset in the
tab in Fixed Assets CS.
Due to differences in Asset Keeper Pro and Fixed Assets CS, you'll need to delete assets that were disposed of in a prior year from Fixed Assets CS after you convert the data. The Import window displays a description of “Date of disposal must be within the current fiscal year” for these assets.

Converted items—IRS Notice 2004-14

Any asset that is acquired in a trade / like-kind exchange in which the asset qualifies for treatment under IRS 2004-14 and for which Option 2 – Use IRS 2004-14 for ALL methods was marked during the trade converts as an aggregate and component asset. Any asset that is acquired in a trade / like-kind exchange in which the asset qualifies for treatment under IRS 2004-14 and for which Option 1 – Elect out of IRS 2004-14 (RECOMMENDED) was marked during the trade converts as an aggregate and the component asset is not converted. For information about aggregate and component assets, refer to the Editing the components of an aggregate asset and the Creating an aggregate asset articles.
Any assets involved in a trade / like-kind exchange that are edited after the trade has taken place might not be handled correctly during the conversion; you may need to modify these assets in Fixed Assets CS after the data has been imported.

Converted items—Inactive assets

Assets with an Asset status code of I - Inactive in Asset Keeper Pro convert as Retired assets. You'll need to manually enter the disposal method in the Disposal tab in Fixed Assets CS for these assets.

Converted items—Listed property

Due to differences in file structures between Asset Keeper Pro and Fixed Assets CS, assets convert as follows.
Asset Keeper Pro Fixed Assets property type
Fixed Assets CS property type
Luxury auto (Passenger)
Electric vehicle – refer to notes below
Truck / Van
Van or light truck – refer to notes below
Listed (>6000)
Sport utility vehicle
Other Listed
Listed property (Non-vehicle)
  • Assets with a Listed Code of Electric but not placed in service between August 5, 1997 and January 1, 2007 will convert as Other business & personal.
  • Assets with a Listed Code of Truck / Van but placed in service before January 1, 2003 will convert as Other business & personal.
  • All other assets with a business use percentage other than 100 percent convert as Other business & personal.
Fixed Assets CS has different types of codes for listed property. To manually change this code for each asset, select the code in the Vehicle / Listed tab.

Converted items—Associations

Asset Keeper Pro associations are converted to Fixed Assets CS as follows.
Asset Keeper Pro field
Fixed Assets CS field
Description #2
Memo 1
Group #1 through #5 checkboxes
Custom Associations if marked
Sort Code #1 through #8, User Defined #1 and #2, Valuation, and Pers Prop Value
Custom Associations

Converted items—Section 168(k)

Asset Keeper Pro allows bonus depreciation to be taken separately for each treatment on a single asset. Fixed Assets CS automatically complies with section 168(k) (bonus depreciation) for qualifying assets. You can elect out of bonus depreciation on a single asset, per class life, per treatment, or per client.

Converted items—Business use

The current-year business use percentage converts.
Current-year business use percentage is rounded to 2 decimal places.

Converted items—Section 179

The section 179 amount converted in the current year even if you exceeded the limit in Asset Keeper Pro. Modify the amount as needed in Fixed Assets CS.

Converted items—Amortization

The amortization code section number converts if the code matches one of the amortization codes that are available in Fixed Assets CS.

Converted items—Mid-quarter

The mid-quarter convention is applied for all treatments in Fixed Assets CS if the Mid-Quarter convention is selected on the Federal treatment for any asset in Asset Keeper Pro. You can manually select or deselect mid-quarter convention on a treatment-by-treatment basis after the conversion.

Items not converted

We didn't convert the following items due to application differences between Asset Keeper Pro and Fixed Assets CS.
  • General information, such as client ID, company name, fiscal year-end dates, and short-year information. You'll need to manually enter this information when you add the client.
  • Asset A/C#, Expense A/C#, and Accum. A/C#. You'll need to set up the journal entry accounts in Fixed Assets CS to create asset cost and corresponding depreciation journal entry information.
  • Customized depreciation reports. Custom reports are available in Fixed Assets CS.
  • Custom depreciation methods.
  • Client and Asset notes.
  • ITC Code and Amount.
  • Data in the Auto Mileage tab.
  • Disposition information.
  • Information entered in the Selling Price and Selling Expense fields in Asset Keeper Pro.

Review the converted data

After you complete the conversion for a specific client, we recommend that you follow these steps to ensure the accuracy of your converted fixed assets data.
  1. Make any necessary changes identified in the “Items not converted” section of this article.
  2. Print the
    Asset Depreciation Report
    in Asset Keeper Pro.
  3. Print the
    Tax Asset Detail Report
    in Fixed Assets CS.
  4. Compare the totals for basis, accumulated depreciation, and current depreciation expense.
  5. Print and review the
    Client Data Transfer Reports
    • These reports are created for each client to identify any differences in the data that resulted from the conversion process. Most items included on the report are strictly informational; however, you may need to manually update certain items (such as abbreviations and truncations) in Fixed Assets CS. In most instances, no action is required.
    • You can print or view these reports using
      My Computer
      Windows Explorer
      to navigate to the folder where the client’s original Asset Keeper Pro data and conversion files are stored. Double-click the XXXXXXXXXXX_D.PDF file, where XXXXXXXXXXX represents the client ID. Note that if the client ID is more than 11 characters, only the first 11 characters appear.
    • We recommend that you print and review the Client Data Transfer Reports and store the reports with the client files in your office. These reports are PDF files. To view and print the reports, use Adobe® Reader®. To install Adobe Reader, select
      On the Web
      , then
      Adobe Reader
      in Fixed Assets CS, which opens the Adobe website from which you can download and install the Reader.

Get help

If you have any questions about your converted data, access Live Chat at or call CS Support at 800.968.0600 and follow the prompts. Normal weekday support is from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm ET.


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