Configure Fixed Assets CS to send documents to GoFileRoom

If you're licensed for GoFileRoom, follow these steps to define the criteria for storing reports and forms printed from Fixed Assets CS to GoFileRoom. This includes specifying the GoFileRoom drawer used to store different types of Fixed Assets CS documents and the GoFileRoom indexes mapped to various Fixed Assets CS properties.
The GoFileRoom configuration options specified in the following steps are firm-wide and apply to all users.
  1. Select
    System Configuration
    , then the
  2. Select
    GoFileRoom Options
  3. Enter your GoFileRoom user name and password. You can mark the
    Remember username
    checkbox to have Fixed Assets CS store your user name in this window.
  4. Select
    . Fixed Assets CS retrieves information from your GoFileRoom account and opens the
    Fixed Assets CS/GoFileRoom Configuration
  5. Select the drawer from the GoFileRoom drawer dropdown where you want to print Fixed Assets CS documents.
  6. Use the fields in the Index mapping pan to do 1 of the following:
    • Use the Fixed Asset CS Property column to associate properties such as client name, client ID, or return entity type with a specific GoFileRoom index in each row.
    • Enter your own description in the Custom Static Text column for the GoFileRoom index in each row. This text is mapped to that GoFileRoom index for all documents, instead of a Fixed Assets CS property specific to each document (such as client name or client number).
      Custom Static Text items entered for GoFileRoom indexes that your firm uses a lookup or list on need to match those items exactly including case and spacing.
  7. If you selected [Map Each Return Type] in the Fixed Assets CS Property column for a GoFileRoom index row, use the Return type mapping pane to specify which GoFileRoom category you want to use for each type of Fixed Assets CS return. To do so, select the categories from the Return type mapping columns.
  8. To have Fixed Assets CS automatically open a window to verify these settings when you print documents to GoFileRoom, mark the
    Prompt to view/verify return indexes when printing to GoFileRoom
  9. Select
    to close the
    Fixed Assets CS/GoFileRoom Configuration


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