Troubleshoot computer and server-specific issues

3rd-party applications

The following 3rd-party applications can prevent Fixed Assets CS from opening.
We give this information as a courtesy. If you still have questions or need help, you'll need to contact a qualified IT professional. Support is available to help with Thomson Reuters applications within our scope of service.
  • Antivirus applications
    : Antivirus applications protect your workstation or server environment from viruses, spyware, malware, and other harmful and unknown threats. We don't recommend running a computer without an antivirus application installed. At the same time, Thomson Reuters doesn't recommend a specific brand or type of antivirus application. What we do recommend is making the proper exclusions and exceptions within your antivirus application to prevent any potential interference with any CS application.
  • Windows components
    : Fixed Assets CS needs the Windows operating system components .NET Framework and Visual C++ to run the application. If a Windows component isn't installed or is corrupt, it may prevent Fixed Assets CS from opening.
  • Toolbar applications
    : Toolbars are a type of malware that comes in the form of a toolbar extension to your Internet browser. Toolbar applications known to cause this error include iLivid Download Manager, iLivid Toolbar, Windows JZip ToolBar, Imesh ToolBar, Windows Search QU ToolBar, Page Rage Bar, Media Bar, Bandoo Toolbar, Search Results Toolbar, and in some cases, Google Desktop and Google Toolbar.

Uninstall and reinstall the application

If you've reached a point in troubleshooting where it's necessary to uninstall and reinstall the application, note the following:
  • If you have a network installation and uninstall Fixed Assets CS from the Control Panel, it will uninstall Fixed Assets CS from the network location for all users. We don't recommended this troubleshooting step if 1 or more users can open the application.
  • Uninstalling Fixed Assets CS doesn't affect client data or application settings.
  • When reinstalling the application, make sure you're logged in as the administrator, or that the installation is run as administrator.
  • When reinstalling the application, turn off your antivirus application so it doesn't interfere with installation.
  • If you reinstall the application and still experience issues, install Fixed Assets CS to a different location to see if you experience the same or different behavior. For example, point the installation to your local C:\ drive or different network drive and try to open the application.


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