Troubleshoot Fixed Assets CS not opening

Follow these troubleshooting tips to help determine why Fixed Assets CS isn't opening.

Open the application from another computer

If you have a network installation of Fixed Assets CS and the application doesn't open on a computer, try opening it on a different computer.
If the application opens from another computer, there's nothing wrong with the Fixed Assets CS application itself. Something in the operating environment of the specific computer is preventing Fixed Assets CS from opening.
If the application doesn't open from any other workstation, you may have an issue on the server-level that's preventing Fixed Assets CS from opening. Possibilities include a bad installation, lack of permissions, and 3rd-party interference.

Open the application using a different Windows profile

If the application won't open on a specific computer, try signing in as a different user.
If the application opens while signed in as a different user, there's an issue specific to the original user preventing the application from opening.
If you can't open the application while signed in to the computer as a different user (local administrator or domain administrator), there's an issue specific to the computer environment.

Error messages

Error messages can help explain why Fixed Assets won't open.
However, sometimes generic error messages don't give enough detail. For example,
Fixed Assets CS has stopped working
is a generic error that only signifies that the Fixed Assets CS application isn't responding but doesn't explain why.
If you have a specific error message, search the Help & How-To Center for a specific resolution.

Could previously open the application

If you could open Fixed Assets CS at a previous time, something may have changed in your operating environment. Review possible changes that happened in that time frame, such as the installation of 3rd-party applications, updates to antivirus and firewall applications, and updates to the operating system.
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