Microsoft Power Automate GoFileRoom Connector

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Microsoft Power Automate is part of the Office 365 suite, that allows you to build powerful automated scenarios across the most common applications and services without the assistance from developers. The GoFileRoom Connector allows many of the existing GoFileRoom application program interfaces (API) to easily communicate with Microsoft applications, such as, Microsoft Power Automate, PowerApps, and Logic Apps within Microsoft’s ecosystem, and doesn’t require programming skills. Your firm can use these tools to integrate GoFileRoom with third-party applications that can help you automate workflows and tasks.
The APIs can be found on the Thomson Reuters Developer Portal.
If you need your firm's API Key, please contact GoFileRoom Support.

Using the GoFileRoom connector

When using the Microsoft Power Automate GoFileRoom Connector you must first use the Login action to obtain an authentication token. This token will then be used with any other action within your Flow.
The examples below are one way to use each action. There are many ways each action could be configured.
Examples: User
Enter your GoFileRoom username and password.
Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
Validate Token
Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
Examples: User Group Administration
Some examples require Cabinet and Drawer name. You can locate these names in GoFileRoom, under
Manage FileRoom
Get Users
  1. Select GFRUSERS or CLIENTFLOWUSERS from the UserType drop-down.
  2. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
Get User Info
  1. Enter the GoFileRoom username of the user within the Login field.
  2. Enter GFRUSERS within the UserType field.
  3. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
Get User Permissions
  1. Enter the GoFileRoom username of the user within the Login field.
  2. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
Get User Document Security
  1. Enter the GoFileRoom username within the LoginId field.
  2. Enter the CabinetName and DrawerName. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
Get Groups
Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
Get Group Permissions
  1. Enter the GoFileRoom group name within the GroupName field.
  2. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
Get Group Document Security
  1. Enter the GoFileRoom group name within the GroupName field.
  2. Enter the CabinetName and DrawerName.
  3. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
Get Upload Locations
Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
Get Password Policy
Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
Get Licenses
  1. Select Dedicated, Concurrent, or FirmFlow within the LicenseType drop-down.
  2. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
Get List of Reports
Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
Create Users
  1. Enter GFRUSERS in UserType.
  2. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
  3. Enter true or false for Specify true or false fields.
  4. Enter a value or a blank space for AccountExpiresDate, DisabledComments or UploadLocation.
  5. Enter 'concurrent' or 'dedicated' for LicenseType.
  6. Enter at least one group name within the Groups Item field.
  7. Enter another GoFileRoom user's email address within the ManagerEmail field.
  8. Enter the new user's email address within the LoginName field.
Create Group
  1. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
  2. Enter true or false for Specify true or false fields.
  3. Enter a value or a blank space for Comments or UploadLocation fields.
  4. Enter the group name within the GroupName field.
  5. Enter true or false or a blank space within Reports IsAllowAll or Reports IsDenyAll field.
  6. Enter a valid GoFileRoom user name within User Item – 1 field.
Set User Document Security
  1. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
  2. Enter the GoFileRoom username of the user within the LoginId field.
  3. Enter the CabinetName and DrawerName, and then select the DocumentSecurity DocSecurityType from the drop-down field.
  4. Enter the index name within the DocumentSecurity IndexName – 1 field, and then select DocumentSecurity Values Item from the drop-down field.
  5. Enter the index value within the DocumentSecurity Values Item – 1 field.
Set Group Document Security
  1. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
  2. Enter the group name within the GroupName field.
  3. Enter the CabinetName and DrawerName, and then select DocumentSecurity DocSecurityType from the drop-down field.
  4. Enter the index name within the DocumentSecurity IndexName – 1 field, and then select DocumentSecurity Values Item from the drop-down field.
  5. Enter the index value within the DocumentSecurity Values Item – 1 field.
Set User Permissions
  1. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
  2. Enter true or false for Specify true or false fields.
  3. Enter cabinet name within the Cabinet field. Enter drawer name within DrawerPermissions Drawer – 1 field.
  4. Enter the GoFileRoom username within LoginId field.
Set Group Permissions
  1. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
  2. Enter true or false for Specify true or false fields.
  3. Enter cabinet name within the Cabinet field.
  4. Enter drawer name within DrawerPermissions Drawer – 1 field.
  5. Enter the GoFileRoom group name within the GroupName field.
Modify User
  1. Enter GFRUSERS within the UserType field.
  2. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
  3. Enter true or false for Specify true or false fields.
  4. Enter a value or a blank space for AccountExpiresDate, DisabledComments, or UploadLocation.
  5. Enter 'concurrent' or 'dedicated' for LicenseType.
  6. Enter at least one GoFileRoom group name within the Groups Item field.
  7. Enter another GoFileRoom user's email address within the ManagerEmail field.
  8. Enter the user's email address within the LoginName field.
Modify Group
  1. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
  2. Enter true or false for Specify true or false fields.
  3. Enter a value or a blank space for Comments, UploadLocation, or RenameGroup fields.
  4. Enter the GoFileRoom group name within the GroupName field.
  5. Enter true, false, or a blank space within Reports IsAllowAll or Reports IsDenyAll field.
  6. Enter a valid GoFileRoom username within User Item – 1 field.
Delete User
  1. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
  2. Enter the GoFileRoom or ClientFlow username within the LoginId field, and then select GFRUSERS or CLIENTFLOWUSERS from the UserType frop-down.
Example: Drawer
Get Drawers
Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
Examples: Index
Get Drawer Indexes
  1. Enter the drawer id within the DrawerID field. (This value can be obtained from the Get Drawers action).
  2. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
Get List of Index Values
  1. Enter the index id value within the IndexId field. (This can be obtained from the Get Drawer Indexes action.)
  2. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
Get Child Indexes
  1. Enter the index id value within the IndexId field.
  2. Enter the list id within the ListId field. (These can be obtained from the Get Drawer Indexes action.)
  3. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
Index LookupList Find
This action will return index field values which have related lookup list indexes. For example, Client Name and Client Number.
  1. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
  2. Enter the IndexID by which you want to search.
    The index id can be obtained using the Get Drawer Indexes action.
  3. Select an Action Type from the drop-down field. (1- Search Lookuplist, 2- Add Lookuplist, 3- DocumentTracking Lookuplist, 4-TaxflowSearch Lookuplist, 5-GroupDocumentSecurity Lookuplist, 6-LookupContactManagement Lookuplist)
  4. Enter the amount of values to be returned in the Count field. For example, 25,50,100.
  5. Select a Search Type from the drop-down. (0-Exact, 1-Pre, 2-Post, 3-Contain)
  6. Enter a value within the IndexValue field.
Validate Indexes
  1. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
  2. Enter the Indexes IndexIds and Indexes IndexValues to validate. (These can be obtained from the Get Drawer Indexes action.)
Get Dynamic Rules for Index
  1. Enter the IndexId value. (This can be obtained from the Get Drawer Indexes action.)
  2. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
Examples: Documents
Copy Documents
  1. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
  2. Enter the Index Ids and Index Values. (These can be obtained from the Get Drawer Indexes action.)
Tax Sort Document
  1. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
  2. Enter the Document Id(s) in the Body Item – 1 field.
Create Document
  1. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
  2. Enter the Index Id’s and Index Values. (These can be obtained from the Get Drawer Indexes action.)
Document Search
  1. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
  2. Enter the DrawerId value. (The Drawer Id value can be obtained from the Get Drawer action.)
  3. Enter NumberOfRows to be returned.
  4. Enter PageNumber to view.
  5. Enter SortField which can be obtained from Get Drawer indexes action, and then Select SortOrder from the drop-down list.
  6. Enter IndexValues IndexId-1 value which can be obtained from Get Drawer Indexes action.
  7. Enter IndexValues IndexValues – 1. The percent symbol can be used as a wildcard.
Get Document History
  1. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
  2. Enter DocumentId of the document for which to view the history.
Delete Document
  1. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
  2. Enter DocumentId for the document you wish to delete.
Merge PDFs
  1. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
  2. Enter Document Ids of the documents that you want to merge within the Body Item fields.
Document Reindex
  1. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
  2. Enter DocumentIds of the documents you wish to reindex.
  3. Enter Index Ids and Index Values to be reindexed. (These can be obtained from the Get Drawer Indexes action.)
Get Document Status
  1. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
  2. Enter Document Id within the Body Item – 1 field.
Get Document
  1. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
  2. Enter Document Id within the DocumentId field.
Get Document Indexes
  1. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
  2. Enter Document Id within the DocumentId field.
Publish Document Status
  1. Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
  2. Enter Document Id within the DocumentId field.
  3. Enter True or False in the IsPublished field.
Example: FirmFlow Reports
Get FirmFlow Data by Deliverable
Enter the token response from the Login action in the Token field.
The following fields must be completed (at minimum).
  1. DrawerId (can be obtained from the Get Drawers actions)
  2. ServiceType (can be obtained from the FirmFlow application)
All other fields can be completed with a value which can be obtained from the application or left blank.
Tracking Report by Deliverable V2
The following fields must be completed (at minimum).
  1. DrawerId
  2. ServiceType
Tracking Report by Workflow
The following fields must be completed (at minimum).
  1. DrawerId
  2. ServiceType
Example: FirmFlow
Get Master Deliverable
The following fields must be completed (at minimum).
  1. Drawer Name
  2. Service Type
  3. Page Number
  4. Page Size
Add Master Deliverable
The following fields must be completed (at minimum).
  1. Deliverable Name
  2. Due Date
  3. All Extension Dates (First/Second/Third) C or F for Calendar/Fiscal, 0 or 1 if extended or not.
  4. Drawer Name
  5. Service Type
Delete Master Deliverable
The following fields must be completed (at minimum).
  1. Drawer Name
  2. Service Type
Edit Master Deliverable
The following fields must be completed (at minimum).
  1. Current Deliverable Name
  2. UIpdate Deliverable Name
  3. Due Date
  4. All Extension Dates (First/Second/Third) C or F for Calendar/Fiscal, 0 or 1 if extended or not.
  5. Drawer Name
  6. Service Type
Create Workflow
The following fields must be completed (at minimum).
  1. Drawer Name
  2. Service Type
  3. Client Name
  4. Client Number
  5. Engagement Type
  6. Year
  7. Period End
  8. Workflow Name
  9. Description
  10. Status Name
Route Workflow V2
The following fields must be completed (at minimum).
  1. Filing ID (can be obtained via one of the FirmFlow report API calls)
  2. Completed Date
  3. Next Step
  4. Assigned To (in U-# Format, obtained via Get User Info API)
  5. Assigned date
  6. Priority
  7. Status
Edit Workflow
The following fields must be completed (at minimum).
  1. Filing ID (can be obtained via one of the FirmFlow report API calls)
Delete Workflows
The following fields must be completed (at minimum).
  1. Filing ID (can be obtained via one of the FirmFlow report API calls)

Questions and additional help

If you have questions on using the Microsoft Power Automate GoFileRoom Connector, contact Technical Services for additional training. Currently, this article is to help you to get started with Power Automate, for additional training Technical Services can assist.
If you have questions integrating other connectors which are non-Thomson Reuters, contact Microsoft Power Automate Support.
Internal use only
If the firm is requesting their API key:
Email with the Firm name, Firm ID, Database ID, and the name and email address of the person requesting the API key. The API team will create the key if necessary, and provide access to the customer. When this is completed, you'll get an email letting you know and then you'll follow these steps:
  1. Let the customer know they can access their API key in the Thomson Reuters Developer Portal. The email address must exactly match the one used for the API key.
  2. Log in to your TR Development Portal account, or create one using the Register button.
    If the customer doesn't already have an account, email to approve access. They are NOT automatically notified when account access is requested.
  3. If creating a new account, make sure to check your email and verify your email address. The email will come from
  4. Click My Apps in the menu bar.
  5. If you do not see the company name (formatted as GFR-FirmName), click Company Invitations and accept the invite to access the company.
  6. Click the company, and then click the name in the drop-down menu to display the AP key.
Email if there are questions the GoFileRoom call facilitator is unable to answer related to the Microsoft Power Automate (formerly Microsoft Flow) GoFileRoom Connector.
Additional information on the connector is available from Microsoft at

