Bulk staff creation

When setting up GoFileRoom, your Firm can save time in setting up the list of staff using the program with our bulk staff creation services. You can submit a list of staff in an Excel spreadsheet.
As part of this service, your firm will need to fill out the provided Excel spreadsheet, which will include staff name, staff email address, and the GoFileRoom security group assignment for each staff member. Your firm should be sure to check that you have the appropriate number of licenses to accommodate the staff you’ll have created.
The steps below are the phases you’ll go through as part of creating staff for GoFileRoom.
  1. Schedule your date for staff creation.
    Once your firm has submitted the signed agreement, Technical Services will contact you to confirm the scope of the project and provide an Excel spreadsheet to be used in the service. The typical turnaround time is one week from the time Technical Services receives your completed Excel spreadsheet.
  2. Staff spreadsheet is tested and then created within GoFileRoom.
    Technical Services will perform any testing for the spreadsheet before starting the bulk creation of your staff within GoFileRoom. Staff will only be created up to the number of licenses available.

