Technical Services solutions by product


Training and consulting
  • Automation consulting
  • Getting started with APIs
PowerBI Dashboard
  • Tracking report
  • Other/custom scope
  • GFR User Import PowerApp Template
  • GFR Document Export to Folders PowerApp Template
  • Other/custom scope
Custom database updates
  • Information Field update
    : Update information field values within FirmFlow as requested on a one-time basis.
  • Client number re-indexing
    : Renumber clients in the client number index in GoFileRoom, which updates this information in documents, workflows, ClientFlow, and related permissions.
  • Other requests can be considered and performed if feasible, such as configuration changes or updates of fields for staff name or login domain name.
Custom reports
  • One-time report
    : Generated from GoFileRoom to assist firms with analytical data. It's normally provided in a Microsoft Excel file. Some examples of commonly requested custom reports include: User Document Activity, User report, Workflow Notes, and Local File report.
Technical Services can't add reports to the report option within the user interface, or create recurring reports.
Custom solutions
  • A custom solution can be considered for development if it doesn't require a change to the user interface of the software.
  • A utility to facilitate communication to and from GoFileRoom.
Document migrations
  • From non-GoFileRoom sources
    : Migrate documents from any system as long as metadata for the associated file is available within the file path, file name, or a database. The files must be available in a flat file format and not embedded within a proprietary application.
  • From a GoFileRoom source
    : Move documents from one drawer within GoFileRoom to another drawer within the same GoFileRoom or an external GoFileRoom database.
Mass user import
  • GoFileRoom users
    : Add multiple staff and security groups to GoFileroom via information provided by your firm.
  • GoFileroom clients
    : Add multiple clients to GoFileroom via information provided by your firm.
  • File Importer
    : Script to automate the indexing and uploading of documents to GoFileRoom based on criteria within the folder path or file name. It's used in conjunction with the FileImporter Utility installed at a firm's location.
  • Custom LookupList query
    : Pulls additional information from the application other than the client name and client number. Other common fields to pull from a practice management system include: partner, manager, associate, office, client address, client phone, client email, and primary contact.
  • FirmFlow Update utility
    : Syncs FirmFlow folder level fields with your practice management software. It can also sync the PIC field.

Contact Technical Services

You can contact Technical Services by discussing your custom needs with your Account Representative. While working with Technical Support, you may be formally referred to Technical Services if you and the Representative determine a more custom solutions outside the scope of Support is required.
A Support Representative will provide the details of your request, along with your contact information, to the appropriate team for follow-up once it's been reviewed.
You can contact Technical Services directly by emailing Please include the following in your email:
  • Your name,
  • Firm ID,
  • The product for which you're requesting services,
  • Brief description of the services needed.
  • Attach any sample documents to your email that will provide us more detail of your request.
Not all requests will been deemed feasible.

Technical Services fees

Technical Service costs are determined by the complexity and time needed to complete a request. If the project request is considered feasible, we will prepare a formal quote for those services, including all the details of the services to be provided, the price, and the date(s) of delivery to your firm.
Additional fees may apply when changes are requested that were not part of the original terms of the signed quote. Your Technical Services Consultant will discuss any additional work to be performed including additional fees involved and obtain your firm's approval before the new work is completed. In some cases, a new contract may be needed.

