August 7, 2023 release notes

  • Want to do more with your GoFileRoom data? Firm’s are investing in their digital transformation today and letting technology take over routine or otherwise manual tasks. We encourage you to visit the Thomson Reuters Developer Portal and register. This will give you access to APIs and resources that will drive new opportunities for your firm. For more in-depth information after registration, review our Getting Started Guide.
  • If you're looking for a specific update, but it doesn't appear in this bulletin, go to the GoFileRoom Alerts and notices article.
  • You can check the status of your online applications and services (such as CS Connect and Virtual Office CS) via our Online Product Status page.
  • You have the option to receive email notifications that alert you to scheduled system maintenance and GoFileRoom updates. We recommend that all GoFileRoom customers opt in. To manage your Thomson Reuters email notifications, go to Managing your Thomson Reuters email subscriptions.
  • We've added a new Cloud Audit Suite phone queue to help you with all of your GoFileRoom, AdvanceFlow, and Checkpoint Engage related questions. You can reach us by calling either 1 (800) 968-0600 options 1-4-6, or 1 (800) 431-9025 options 3-7.


  • We've improved the Barcode Printing to be compatible with the Chrome browser. Previous versions of GoFileRoom didn't respect newly selected
    , then
    Period End
    options when printing or generating barcodes. It's now possible to select
    , then
    from with a workflow and then make a selection in the Year list. This is helpful if you have received source documents from a client that apply to a different workflow.
  • We've identified and corrected several application challenges as a result of having a user sign-in containing both upper and lower case characters. GoFileRoom will now assure that the sign-in ( will always be saved in all lower case, regardless of how it is entered by the administrator, protecting any future issues.
  • We've made performance optimization improvements in the following areas:
    • The client search results in the Document Search and Document Explorer.
    • The experience when updating the
      current step
      , part of the FirmFlow workflow.
    • The applications’ response time when working within the Document Explorer.
  • We've corrected a problem in the GoFileRoom document preview,
    View mode
    . In certain situations, a PDF document’s bookmarks wouldn’t all display as expected. The bookmarks would display as expected when viewing the PDF in Edit Document mode and the file integrity was not of concern. GoFileRoom’s preview now displays a full list of bookmarks as expected.

API and automation

We continue to invest resources into supporting, promoting, and creating our open API environment. Both for customers to use and for third-party companies to improve their service capabilities.
We offer you a case study detailing how a firm began their automation journey by trying to create visibility around specific dimensions and elements coming out of GoFileRoom and FirmFlow. To find out more on how you can be more efficient and drive new business with Thomson Reuters tax and accounting APIs, contact our team. To get started now, review our Get Started with GoFileRoom API services guide.
API improvements and issues included on this release:
Details on the new endpoints will be posted to the Thomson Reuters Developer Portal upon release.
  • The Rollforward API endpoint gives a FirmFlow Administrator the ability to roll a single workflow forward via an API. As a recommendation, we suggest you get familiar with this functionality so that you can take advantage in the new year.
    • POST /api/v1/FirmFlow/RollForward
  • We've provided new API endpoints that give the ability to restore a document from the Recycle bin. You can access the new endpoints on our Dev portal.
    • POST /api/v1/documents/getDeletedDocs
    • POST /api/v1/documents/restore
  • We've provided the {/firmflow/api/V1/Workflow/GetDeletedDeliverableWorkflows} API endpoint to better help in identifying deleted deliverables. As a real-world example of using this in practice:
    • Many firms are storing the data in data lakes or data warehouses. When a workflow is deleted currently, it can be cumbersome to flag the workflows currently stored as deleted. With this new API, workflows can be flagged and handled as needed to meet your firms requirements.


  • The V3
    API endpoint was previously not considering the
    Allow access to reports
    checkbox for the user and will now return correct API responses based on the user’s permissions and report selections.

